textarea placeholder newline

They are an old trick, introduced with the HTML5 standard in mid 2011. Step by Step. How do I get it to wrap? "; Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage. I'm trying to add a multi-line placeholder for a textarea using jQuery. the placeholder text should not wrap, while the text in this box, once entered, should wrap, Alternatively When you want a new line, hit return twice (So there is a empty line between your 'new lines'. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. Since no browsers support this, we active the plugin for all browsers, not just legacy browsers. The "How can we help?" About Textarea. Bad: Definition and Usage. I’m getting the value to write a function, but it won’t give line breaks. This attribute was not supported in previous versions of HTML. The short hint is displayed in the text area before the user enters a value.