why is almond milk bad for the environment

Like quinoa, another staple of hip “health” obsessives before it, production of almond milk also appears to have a hefty environmental impact. With so many benefits attached to its name, you surely feel tempted to make this drink a part of your daily diet. On a personal level, even if you aren’t lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products, milk presents some benefits, but also some negative side effects. It is low in cholesterol and if made without added sugar, it can help one reduce weight. ", 30 Best Songs to Rock Out to This New Year’s Eve, What Our Senior Home Editor Wants Right Now, 30 Movies to Watch at Home on New Year's Eve, 30+ Endangered Animals You Should Know About, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. It offers one of the richest sources of protein at about 7 to 12 grams per cup. Almond milk is one of the most sought after alternative milk products. Jennifer Sass, Ph.D., a senior health scientist for the Natural Resources Defense Council, says that the almond industry isn't totally responsible for the decrease of honeybees in particular. (Visited 20,167 times, 5 visits today) Some estimates suggest that it takes up to 920 gallons of water to produce just one gallon of almond milk, which can be comparable to the amount of water used for cow’s milk. Rice is naturally fairly high on the glycemic index, meaning that it can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar. More than 80% of … Conventional dairy farms also deplete nutrients from the soil and produce large quantities of fertilizer.4 Dairy farms also require vast amounts of water, not only for their cows, but to clean, operate, and cool off machinery.5, On a personal level, even if you aren’t lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products, milk presents some benefits, but also some negative side effects. It seems like every day someone asks me to dichotomize a health trend : good or bad. The amount of land used in producing 200 mL of almond milk is about 1/9 the amount used in an equivalent amount of cow's milk. Many people rely on plant-based milks for their own health. More recently, almond milk has become popular as plant-based alternative to dairy. Some estimates suggest that it takes up to 920 gallons of water to produce just one gallon of almond milk, which can be comparable to the amount of water used for cow’s milk.9. However, for all its health benefits, its impact on the environment has been hefty. Perhaps the best would be to avoid milk altogether, look for proper nutrition from other sources, and drink water, instead. While it does have a high concentration of calcium, almond milk is relatively low in protein, offering less than one gram of protein per cup. More than 80% of the world’s almonds come from California, which as of late has been experiencing a terrible drought. It may create long-lasting effects on the environment such as drought-stricken in where more than 80% of the world’s almonds are grown. The main problems are water use and pesticide use associated with almond milk production. Switching to a plant-based milk and foregoing dairy in your diet can have a positive impact on your health, especially if you’re lactose intolerant or allergic to milk. Both physicians with a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) Soy milk is one of the most common dairy-free alternatives. Itching sensation around the mouth and lips. If they decide to go completely organic, or use other measures to keep all chemicals and pesticides out of their fields and trees, it makes a big difference for all bees," Sass says. There currently is no cure for lactose intolerance since the body cannot be made to create more lactase enzyme.1 One option for lactose-intolerant individuals is avoidance of lactose-containing foods. Drinking almond or coconut milk is really, really bad for the planet ... any plant-based alternative to milk is better for the environment than dairy. No worse than squeezing oranges or apples etc. For smoothies and general sipping, use soy or almond milk. Affecting a vast majority of the global population, lactose intolerance is one of the most common reasons that people abstain from dairy products. Protein-rich varieties usually come from added pea protein. The biggest obstacle tends to be the taste. Almond milk sales in the United States have soared recently, exceeding $1 billion in 2018 a number that is expected to continue climbing 14.3 percent before the end of 2025. Almonds are bad for the environment and using dairy farms and alfalpha to justify almond milk practices is a ridiculous comparison. Hemp milk is high in iron, zinc, and magnesium, and hemp itself is a highly sustainable plant. 1. **These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. There are countless organizations that have sprung up over the years to help consumers understand which products have been made sustainably with bee colonies in mind, including "Bee Better," which also works to plants blooms among almond trees to promote successful seasons. As flax is not within the top eight allergens, flax milk makes a good option for those unable to consume lactose, soy, or nuts. majestic animals are increasingly endangered, the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, so I might plant things that typically bloom in fall. Vegans choose to omit all animal products (including dairy) from their diets for a variety of reasons. Flaxseed’s poor flavor usually means that flax milk usually contains a variety of flavors, though many brands do use natural flavors. A recent NPR report claims that some almond farmers are using pollen and nectar substitutes to get bees to repopulate their hives in the dead of winter, when bees are supposed to be dormant. We found some interesting statistics that can help you gauge the environmental impact of almond milk. Pesticides, including clothianidin and dicamba, can work to slowly impact the honeybees' immune systems and their reproductive cycles. The growing concerns with dairy milk has led to the development of plant-based alternatives that can provide new nutritional benefits without the potential effects of dairy. If you have to drink milk, Almond Milk seems to be the lesser of the two evils to the environment, but both Almond Milk and Cow Milk, as well as any other milks, have their cost. It takes about 1.1 gallons of water to produce a single almond.11 However, almond milk is only made up of about 2% almonds.12 Because of this, the amount of water used in the production of 200 mL of almond milk is about half of the amount of water used to produce 200 mL of cow's milk. Your body naturally produces vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight, but if you don’t get much sun, many foods fortified with calcium are also fortified with vitamin D. Even with dairy substitutes and alternatives, keep an eye on the label, and beware of excess sugar, flavorings, and other additives. Soy milk is one of the most common dairy-free alternatives. Here are two healthy, more environmentally-friendly options. However, producing almond milk uses roughly 17 times more water than cow’s milk per litre, but cow’s milk emits nearly 10 times more greenhouse gases per litre (14). Brands tend to also use oils and gums to enhance the texture of oat milk. There have been a few viral articles getting a lot of attention that berate almond milk for being very unsustainable and as bad as cows milk for the environment. is an osteopathic physician whose research interests include gastroenterology, immunology, and dermatology. Each plant requires around five liters of water to grow. Some brands use whole soybeans, while others use soybean isolates, which are highly processed. Worth an estimated $2 billion last year, they now account for around 10 percent of the total milk market. ", Believe it or not, wild clover is one of the best assets any bee can have in the wild. Are almonds bad for the environment? People may choose to omit dairy from their diets for a variety of reasons, from medical to ethical. Studies on the role of dairy products and lactose in weight gain still remain inconsistent, but sugars in liquid form are more easily absorbed in the body. Soy milk also contains all your essential amino acids.10 In terms of nutrition, soy milk is also the closest to cow’s milk. According to recent data, billions of bees are dying at the hands of the almond industry. For agricultural experts and conservationists alike, the general decline of the honey bee (and the 4,000 species of wild bees overall) has been quietly alarming for many years — but recent data suggests that the decline has turned into a full-blown freefall. "People should mow their lawn less, and mow it a little higher, because that allows clover to grow into it," she shares, adding that clover and any other blooming weed can also provide pollen and nectar for bees in off seasons. If you want more protein, soy milk is the way to go. The two main proteins responsible for milk allergies are casein and whey. Food Almond Milk Is Not the Problem It’s fine if you don’t like it. From almond milk to oat milk, plant-based milks have been on-trend for years, but these dairy alternatives are more than a passing phase. Soy milk, almond milk, and rice milk are all popular, but they all use more water than the aforementioned plant milks, Poore's study found. ... Almond milk is the most expensive of the three, at around HK$35 for a 950ml carton. Is Almond Milk Bad for the Environment? "People should buy organic where they can, whenever they can… Almonds are a great place to go organic, even if you eat less almonds overall, because that's how we'll solve the problem in the long run. Almond milk is known to be rich in proteins, vitamins, calcium and other vital minerals. According to a new feature published by The Guardian this week, the American almond industry may be tipping the scales with their huge demand for honeybees to pollinate their orchards, and could be to blame for the loss of billions of bees over the last year alone. Flaxseed is naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids. By Sarah Berry Updated November 10, 2015 — 7.27am first published November 9, 2015 — 8.02pm It’s preservative … However, if you need protein, you may want to look elsewhere. According to recent data, billions of bees are dying at the hands of the almond industry. Studies on the role of dairy products and lactose in weight gain still remain inconsistent, but sugars in liquid form are more easily absorbed in the body.7, Some proteins in milk, like IGF-1 (an insulin-like growth factor), have been shown to contribute to acne lesions.8, Whether you have an allergy or just want to live a more environmentally conscious, you can give up on dairy without giving up on milk. There currently is no cure for lactose intolerance since the body cannot be made to create more lactase enzyme. Made from soaked almonds, almond milk is a rich source of vitamin E, which offers antioxidant properties and may help the brain, blood and skin. Almond Milk. A cup of milk generally has about 250 to 350 mg of calcium. Many brands fortify their soy milk with vitamins D and B12. "Keep chemicals out of your garden and off your blooms," Sass says, advising that no commercial products should be sprayed on or near trees, flowers, or even common sidewalk areas. A cup of milk generally has about 250 to 350 mg of calcium. Rice milk is high in calories, most of which come from carbohydrates. degree as well as a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) ", Per the latest data from the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, the American almond industry has been growing steadily. Get into the habit of checking the labels for any packaged foods that you buy. Without lactase, the body is unable to properly digest dairy products, so consuming anything containing dairy may result in a variety of symptoms, including: While lactose intolerance, also known as lactose malabsorption, is relatively harmless, its symptoms can be uncomfortable and disrupt your everyday activities. ", And, yes, cutting back on your almond obsession could help preserve what's left of the dwindling honeybee population. Commercial almond milks also tend to be fairly watered down, containing only 2 percent of almond. Almond milk is bad for the environment, which is bad for your health. Used in snacks, baked goods and almond milk, the nuts require something that California has in abundance — sunshine and a temperate climate. can practice medicine. You can also eat sorbet instead. CLICK HERE! But what has caused the death of upwards of 40 to 50 billion honeybees last winter, you might ask? While the latter is caused by a deficiency in lactase, milk allergies are an abnormal immune response to dairy products. If you’re not getting calcium from milk, make sure you get it through other sources. It grows fast, requires relatively little water, and is resistant to most plant-based diseases. But Sass says the popularity of almonds (everything from whole nuts to the varieties used in plant-based milks) has created even more stress, as almond farmers are "so reliant on the honeybee to pollinate their crops, exclusively. Almond milk has become more popular than soy milk in the U.S. (even though some store-bought almond milk may contain only about 2% almonds). "The commercial almond growers make such a difference here. According to Datawrapper, a single … Milk is also one of the most common dietary sources for vitamin D. At the same time, the growing obesity epidemic has shifted its attention to the role of sugar in diets. “Because 90% of almonds are grown in California where water is scarce, it causes more environmental stress than other nut trees that can be grown in other places,” Bergen said. Lactase helps break down lactose so that your body can absorb the milk sugars without gastrointestinal problems. Unlike lactose intolerance, milk allergies can potentially be life-threatening as they may cause anaphylaxis, which can cause your airways to constrict and inhibit your breathing. Almond milk is in fashion, but that doesn't mean it is good for you, or for the environment. One of the biggest concerns with almond milk is its potential negative impact on the environment. Almond Milk’s Impact on the Environment For the U.S. and the world, California is crucial to maintaining the almond supply. Pre-shipping, the carbon created by a litre of semi-skimmed (1.67kg) is far higher than that of almond milk (360g). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lactose-intolerance/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20374238, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/milk-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20375101, http://www.eatingwell.com/article/290343/how-to-start-eating-dairy-free/, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2009/aug/07/milk-environmental-impact, https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/water_use_on_dairy_farms, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/dairy-health-food-or-health-risk-2019012515849, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4807700/, https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/393279, https://foodrevolution.org/blog/milk-substitutes/, https://nutrition.org/going-nuts-about-milk-heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-plant-based-milk-alternatives/, https://www.businessinsider.com/amount-of-water-needed-to-grow-one-almond-orange-tomato-2015-4, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jesscollen/2015/07/23/is-2-almond-milk-more-confusing-than-2-cows-milk-blue-diamond-and-silk-probably-say-no/#6347f5444f56, https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46654042. After all, there's an onslaught of pathogens and parasites found in nature, plus habitat fragmentation — which is "similar to a food desert for bees, since they only forage for food in areas within one to two miles away. Vegans choose to omit all animal products (including dairy) from their diets for a variety of reasons.3 Others may choose to eliminate dairy out of environmental concerns. Normally when you drink milk, your body understands that it is a food and treats it as such. Another option is to consume dairy products that do not contain lactose such as Lactaid® milk. Rice milk is also generally watery and thin in consistency, making it difficult for use in cooking. While lactose intolerance, also known as lactose malabsorption, is relatively harmless, its symptoms can be uncomfortable and disrupt your everyday activities. He is particularly interested in the role of probiotics in the gut-brain-skin axis and has written many articles on the topic. Almond milk lovers, be prepared for some bad news. Is Almond Milk Really Bad for the Environment? )There are 92 almonds in a cup, which makes a litre of ho… Some brands add a great deal of sugar. Milk is also a good source of vitamin D, which plays a role in the metabolism and absorption of calcium, ensuring healthy bones. The Truth Behind the Decline in Bees. Cashews are naturally high in heart-healthy unsaturated fats, along with compounds like lutein and zeaxanthin, which may benefit your eye health. Almond milk is also estimated to have more than 50 percent more calcium per cup than cow’s milk. Dietary fiber refers to plant material that has been found to be good for the heart, blood sugar, and general digestive health. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, 15 of the Healthiest Vegetables You Can Eat, Everything to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine, 'My Ear Infection Turned Out To Be a Tick', Why COVID-19 Can Sometimes Cause Back Pain. What may be surprising, though, is that almond milk takes a toll on the environment in other ways. He graduated from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) before graduating from Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana and becoming a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. Make the right choices to ensure that you get the nutrition that you need without dairy products. For example, as compared with cow’s milk, producing soya milk is significantly less damaging in terms of: greenhouse gas emissions, land use and water supply (12). Quinoa milk offers more protein and dietary fiber than most other grains. Milk is also one of the most common dietary sources for vitamin D.6, At the same time, the growing obesity epidemic has shifted its attention to the role of sugar in diets. A cup of whole milk contains about 11 grams of sugar on average. Why trust us? Cashew milk is another nut-based milk that is a good alternative for those who don’t like the taste of almond milk. As a product it is not directly “enviromentally bad” as it is simply the seeds of trees ground up and soaked in water then pressed. “The 7-10-day recommended shelf life is based on optimal conditions. While sales of cow’s milk have fallen by one-third in the U.S. since the 1970s, sales of plant-based alternatives have grown 6 percent since 2012. What's the best alternative milk to drink if you don't want cows' milk (or the calories) that won't completely destroy the planet? Almond milk is the most popular nondairy alternative, accounting for 64 percent of that market. Lactase is the chemical responsible for breaking down lactose, the main sugar found in dairy. Per the latest data from the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, so sure... And can sneak into a variety of flavors, though, is that milk... 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