how to harvest greek oregano

He also covers parenting, juvenile science experiments, cooking and alternative/home remedies. It flowers annually in the summer, with tiny white blooms. Pinch or snip the stems two to three pairs of leaves above their bases, cutting just above a leaf pair. Our Garden Plannercan produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Lay the bag on its side. Other than full sun and an occasional watering, this herb requires little care. University of Rhode Island: Growing, Harvesting & Using Culinary Herbs, Delaware State University Extension Program: Culinary Herbs, University of California Sonoma County Master Gardeners: Kitchen Herbs, University of Illinois Extension: Grow Your Own Oregano, Super Herbs: Greek Oregano: Origanum Vulgare Subsp. Hirtum, North Carolina State University: Winterizing the Herb Garden, Fine Gardening: The Herb Garden Redefined. It’s both easy and attractive to grow in the garden, and it has wonderful medicinal properties as well. The Greek oregano is considered as the true oregano due to its strong flavor making it highly used in Greek, Italian, and Spanish cuisine. Dried herbs store beautifully and allow the home cook access to many flavors and aromas. How to harvest: Snip stems leaves with a garden clipper or scissors. 2 Place your scissors 1/3rd of the way down a … tall, but if you’re seeking the most intense flavor, you will want to harvest your oregano right before the blooms appear in mid-summer. You can strip the leaves from the stems and let them dry out in trays from one week to 10 days. It is an easy to grow herb, which is used fresh or dried. Young Greek oregano plants grow sturdy and compact when they're harvested while young. hirtum) is the familiar culinary oregano variety. A graduate of Leeds University, Jenny Green completed Master of Arts in English literature in 1998 and has been writing about travel, gardening, science and pets since 2007. Thai Sweet Oregano is famous for its spicy, licorice flavor it adds to Asian dishes. It's all-natural . Oregano stems are ready for storing when the leaves crumble easily between your fingers. Cut back the foliage, leaving only the bottom set of leaves on the plant to regrow. You can also harvest fresh oregano leaves as needed while the plants are in leaf, though the flavor may not be as strong. Wrap leaves in a damp paper towel and store in the refrigerator for a week. Oregano is a herb used in many Mediterranean recipes. To dry leaves, tie small handfuls of stems together with twine, and hang the bunches in a warm, dry, airy spot. The stems should be soft enough to pinch, but you can also use pruning shears. You will find this oregano on the grocery shelves and used often in pizza, pasta, and Italian sauces. Gather your oregano into groups of 2-4 stalks and put them in a paper bag. 4. hirtum) is the variety that has the best-flavored leaves. After months of waiting, it was finally time to harvest our all-natural Greek Oregano. Taste a tiny piece of leaf before buying to check that the flavor is sharp and intense. Put frozen stems in a freezer bag and squeeze out the air before sealing it. Jul 5, 2016 - How to Harvest Greek Oregano. Place them in a plastic bag and press out all the air and put in your freezer where they won’t get smashed. Greek Oregano – True oregano, excellent flavor, hardy. He publishes online articles with major focus on pets, wildlife, gardening and fitness. 3. The flavor of your oregano will be strongest during warm weather. The plant needs full sun to grow well where it can grow up to 24 inches tall. Flavor and aroma: Oregano has a hot peppery flavor. How to Harvest Oregano If you are waiting until the end of the summer to harvest oregano, you are missing out on a lot of flavor. Take a paper bag that can hold all of your leaves and punch 10-15 small holes in each side of the bag with a fork, knife, or pen. Wipe the blades with a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol before and after harvesting oregano to help prevent the spread of pests and diseases. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, University of Illinois Extension: Grow Your Own Oregano, Missouri Botanical Garden: Origanum Vulgare Subsp. The best time to harvest oregano is in the morning after the dew dries. Harvest Greek oregano stems when the plants are 6 inches tall. I’ve had a single Greek oregano plant for over a year now, and it just keeps on giving If you are looking for a hardy year-round herb to grow in your Phoenix garden, look no further than oregano! Greek Oregano is a compact, woody, plant that grows to less than 10 inches tall. Pruning and harvesting go hand in hand. Common oregano grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8 and Greek oregano is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 8. Oregano is an herb commonly used in Italian dishes. Greek oregano can really be harvested anytime once the plant reaches 6 inches (15 cm.) Do not harvest more than one-third of the plant. Amistaadt has written book reviews for Work At Home Truth. Greek Oregano. Cut them right above a pair of leaves to encourage new shoot growth. Cuban Oregano. Using bottom heat will improve your success rate. Like the other plants in the mint family, many cultures use the leaves for medicinal and culinary purposes. Oregano leaves retain a strong flavor dried and frozen. Its botanical name is: Origanum vulgare var. Italian . Green's work appears in Diva, Whole Life Times, Listverse, Earthtimes, Lamplight, Stupefying Stories and other websites and magazines. How to Harvest Oregano. The process of drying enhances the aroma of the herb. Take your oregano stalks and bundle them together by hand so that the stalks are together. Its pungent, spicy, slightly bitter flavor pairs well with almost any vegetable preparation. Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. Aggressive pruning throughout the growing season is beneficial to this plant as it encourages branching and new shoots. The plant will produce seeds, but the easiest way to propagate oregano is through plant division or cuttings. Hirtum, University of Florida Nassau County Extension: Oregano, Colorado State University Extension: Herb Gardening, Virginia Cooperative Extension: Herb Culture and Use. Oregano can easily be started from seeds and cuttings from an existing plant, but it’s easiest to divide a clump from an established plant as a new start. A dehydrator or an oven could be used to dry out the oregano leaves, if you want to get this done quickly.Store dried oregano in air-tight glass jars. To freeze oregano, lay the stems flat on a baking sheet and place the sheet in a freezer for one to two hours. Harvesting oregano and drying it provides easy access and long-term storage of the herb. Pick or prune the stems to two to three pairs of leaves above their bases, and store the leaves you don't use immediately. For the best oregano flavor, pick the leaves after flower buds form but before they open during the summer. View on Amazon. Oregano is a well-known culinary herb used in Italian, Turkish, Greek, and Mexican cooking. A Prolific Grower. Leave two or three pairs of leaves on each stem. Greek oregano is one of the most common types used in cooking. Greek oregano flowers in midsummer and Mexican oregano flowers mid-spring through early summer. Pluck fresh Greek oregano leaves as you need them throughout the growing season. My father has been cultivating oregano and other herbs for years now and I tend to help him when I have the time and energy! In this video, I show you my 5 top tips on how to grow a big harvest of oregano in a container or garden bed. The stems should be soft enough to pinch, but you can also use pruning shears. Greek oregano begins to flower in July after reaching its maximum height of 6 to 8 inches. Grow oregano in free-draining soil or compost in a sunny, sheltered spot. He and his partner (Rania) own 6 acres and grow everything with love and they never use pesticides! I read t... Ice machine: frosting suction line back to the compressor. Regular harvesting also promotes bushy growth. When harvesting, trim each stem back leaving 4-6 pairs of leaves. Clip stems back to the first or second set of leaves again around June, after bloom buds form and before the flowers open. However, harvesting Once Greek oregano is at least 6 inches tall, harvesting the tasty leaves is easy and a little extra pinching will do the plant good. Italian Oregano has slightly larger leaves than Greek Oregano and is the classic herb used for sauces and soups. Authentic Greek oregano can be grown from seeds or plants. Use it throughout the growing season by snipping off leaves or stems once the plants are about 6 inches tall. Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. Greek Oregano has a very powerful flavor, grows in hardy zones 5 to 11, and is perfect for almost any dish needing flavor. So use such dried oregano sparingly. Alternatively spread out a single layer of stems on a screen to dry. Select growth from many various stems to avoid over-picking any of the branches, which weakens the plant. 1. Every two or three years, dig up Greek oregano plants in early spring. When you harvest, remove sprigs or small branches. How to Grow Oregano. New plantings reach this size in about five to six weeks. The flavor of leaves is best before the plant flowers. Prune Greek oregano stems back to the first or second set of leaves in August. I think the Greeks got it right when they described oregano as “joy of the mountain.” This aromatic, ancient culinary herb, also referred to as “wild marjoram,” originates from the hilly, Greek countryside, and is now grown all over the world. Jun 17, 2012 - Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a low-growing herb with small leaves that pack a punch of strong flavor. Pull the plants into three or four sections, and replant them at their original growing depths, 12 to 18 inches apart. This aromatic relative of mint is a tough little perennial that thrives outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. With its hearty flavor and attractive yellow-green leaves, Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare hirtum) makes a terrific addition to any herb garden. Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. Dry oregano carries an intensified version of its fresh palate pleasing powers. Other useful types but not as winter hardy. hirtum) is the familiar culinary oregano variety. Oregano provides fresh leaves for the kitchen throughout the growing season, and dried or frozen leaves provide a supply year round. For the best flavor, harvest oregano when the flower buds have formed. Make small bundles of the harvested sprigs of oregano and tie them with a string. Remove the leaves from the stems and wash and dry them. When to harvest: Cut fresh leaves as needed once plants are 4 to 6 inches tall. Learn how to pick and dry oregano to round o… Hang them in a cool dry place with good air circulation. If growing in pots, repot every couple of years in fresh compost. Oregano in the Kitchen. We look at how to grow Oregano, Prune it and Rejuvenate an overgrown plant. The larger leaf size means that it retains its sweet, earthy flavour well when it is dried. It is a hearty plant that provides lovely ground cover in addition to its uses in the kitchen. Pinch or snip the stems two to three pairs of leaves above their bases, cutting just above a leaf pair. The fresh leaves can be used directly in your cooking or you can … Oct 31, 2014 - Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a low-growing herb with small leaves that pack a punch of strong flavor. Once your plant has reached four to six inches in height, you can start harvesting individual oregano leaves or snipping off sprigs. Trim the Greek oregano plant back with clean, sharp shears when it is about 6 inches tall. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Harvest before the flowers bloom for the best flavor. Start with a purchased plant, or start seeds indoors and set out at about the time of your last frost. Choose a harvest day before the plant reaches the maximum size or begins to develop flower buds. Oregano is a Mediterranean herb with a pungent scent and flavor punch. Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens), which grows in USDA zones 9 through 11, is also grown as a culinary herb. It produces dark, green leaves and white flowers. Not only this, but it grows incredibly easy, is very aggressive, and is identified by its white flowers and fuzzy leaves. Syrian Oregano (Oregano maru) - Strong, spicy flavor. Some strains are propagated only from cuttings. Cut stems just above a pair of leaves. It has grown well through the summer heat, and even the freezing winter cold snaps. Oregano is a must-have in a culinary garden. Oregano has been growing in our garden with abandon. Left alone, Greek oregano will grow about 2 feet tall. This will encourage new bushy growth. If you find yourself with an abundance of fresh oregano, consider air-drying leftover oregano sprigs or drying leaves in a low oven or dehydrator. You can also freeze the leaves. Oregano Harvest. It has a rich, warming flavor, but can have a bitter taste, especially when used fresh. This aromatic relative of mint is a tough little perennial that thrives outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. Or dig up the entire oregano plant and divide it into many more plants. This aromatic relative of mint is a tough little perennial that thrives outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. True oregano (Origanum vulgare) produces foliage for use as a culinary herb. Put the dry stems and leaves in in glass or plastic, sealed jars in a dark, cool place. If you live in a cool climate, grow Greek oregano as an annual or winter it indoors on a sunny kitchen windowsill. Alternatively, replace mature plants with young plants from your local garden store or plant nursery. Digging up and dividing clumps of Greek oregano helps prevent the plants from becoming woody and unproductive, and losing flavor. How to Care for an Oregano Plant. Wipe the blades with a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol before and after harvesting oregano to help prevent the spread of pests and diseases. Turkestan Oregano (Oregano tyttanthum) - Strong flavor, robust plant, good for indoor culture. May have to be treated as a tender perennial or brought indoors for the winter. Common oregano (Origanum vulgare) grows in a wide range of forms and can be invasive. The plant will produce seeds, but the easiest way to propagate oregano is through plant division or cuttings. The leaves of both plants have the strongest flavor just before the flower buds open. hirtum) is the familiar culinary oregano variety. A full-time writer since 2007, Axl J. Amistaadt is a DMS 2013 Outstanding Contributor Award recipient. Harvest Greek oregano stems when the plants are 6 inches tall. View on Amazon. April 2, 2019. hirtum.There are lots of other oreganos within the same genus Origanum, as well as some that are in different genera and not true oreganos, such as Cuban oregano (Pectranthus amboinicus).Within the Origanum genus, there are several that are used just for ornamental value, and … Cut-and-come-again harvesting will renew plants. Snip the stems off just above a leaf axil to stimulate branching and promote fullness. Jan 9, 2019 - How to Harvest Greek Oregano. Once Greek oregano is at least 6 inches tall, harvesting the tasty leaves is easy and a little extra pinching will do the plant good. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. This acts like pruning and encourages new growth. 2. Harvest the leaves as and when you need to, cutting the plant back completely every so often to encourage a fresh flush of foliage. How to grow oregano. Greek oregano grows best in full-sun sites and average, well-drained soil. 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