verbal reasoning examples

adverse – acting with or characterised by opposition or antagonism, afflict – to cause severe mental or physical distress to somebody In British English, many verbs can be spelt with either ‘–ize’ or ‘–ise’. These questions are designed to test your ability to take a series of facts expressed in words and to understand and manipulate the information to solve a specific problem. It’s usually simple to distinguish whether a statement is true or false. When a one-syllable word ends in the CVC combination, you will usually double the final consonant when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel. aid – to provide somebody or something with help, ambivalent – having mixed, uncertain or conflicting feelings about something Practice aptitude tests today. Start Quiz Retake Quiz. They present the perfect opportunity to gain some vital information. Often, the text will be straightforward, business-like and relatively simple to understand, but you may come across language you’re unfamiliar with or a verbose style. epigraph – introductory quotation or inscription These tests are timed — that’s the first and most important thing to note. They show employers if you can think constructively and draw accurate conclusions — traits that are highly valued across practically every industry. measure + ment = measurement Always be aware, however, that companies can change their test supplier at any time. When preparing for your test – either in-person at an assessment centre or online – it’s important to plan ahead to make the best use of your time. Questions like this are common in all levels of verbal ability tests. Talent Q – Talent Q uses adaptive tests. This article has been designed so that it is easier for you to practice the areas where you feel that you are weakest, giving you the greatest benefit in the shortest time. Most people now use spell-checking software and it is very easy to forget how words are spelled when we don’t write them down. Your test administrator or teacher will now take you through these. It’s no wonder that employers everywhere make extensive use of them. persuade – to urge somebody to perform a particular action, counsel – somebody whose advice is sought, or who acts as an official adviser This will give you an idea of how much time to spend on each question. SHL is a good reference point as it is the industry standard for verbal reasoning tests. Does your job application require you to pass a verbal reasoning test? Here’s one more statement to try, related to the same passage of information above: If salary cuts and permanent dismissals are possible punitive actions employers can take, then they may be used to punish employee inattention to the e-mail content regulation. You can do this by simply asking your assessment day/interview contact for this information, which also shows you’re serious about doing well on the test. Verbal reasoning tests are one of the most difficult psychometric tests, especially if language isn’t your strong suit. These types of question appear in all levels of verbal ability tests. coarse – rough, vulgar or unrefined There are two distinct types of verbal ability questions. Though the test format may vary, typically you will have between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to answer each question. SHL – This is the most common. Start Test 2. If so, then study the rule and try practising it. No last-minute panicking. The test will be timed and you will have to read the passage of text quickly, and answer the questions accurately. This is where you have to identify incorrectly spelt words. mis + spell = misspell The tests are designed to test your skills without needing external knowledge or practice of the format, so if you can’t find out who your test supplier is, just work on the general skills. Example Questions In a numerical reasoning test, you are required to answer questions using facts and figures presented in statistical tables. Verbal Reasoning Questions. They take the form of passages of text that you need to read before answering a series of questions that measure your ability to understand concepts and ideas expressed verbally. Is It Better to Make Sure I Finish the Test or Aim for Accuracy? These questions are designed to measure your problem-solving abilities. They won’t want to reject good candidates simply because the application process doesn’t accommodate them properly. For example, if Jenny’s coat is both long and blue, we can logically assume that … Many studies have shown that psychometric tests like the verbal ability test are a much better indication of your key skills than even a university degree. In the passage, we’re told that employees have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of emails sent. In this verbal reasoning test analogies are presented verbally. They are not so much concerned with measuring your English ability. It may include making deductions from text, word meanings and more, but the most common format is a passage of text with multiple-choice questions below. Don’t underestimate the simple things. Don’t use general knowledge – Everything you need to answer the question is in the text and in the text only. It can also be very useful to time yourself. It doesn’t say anything about the supervisors’ obligation. Others may have very short passages, but only one or two questions on each. Gather everything you’ll need. Homophones are words which sound similar but have different meanings. betray – to help an enemy, breech – the rear part of the barrel of a gun What to Expect on a Verbal Reasoning Test. Depending on the provider and the company, you may also get some written feedback to say where you went wrong and how you can improve. imminent – about to happen, empathy – understanding of another’s feelings contemptible – deserving to be treated with contempt, Continual – happening again and again, especially regularly It’s designed to be slightly tougher than the real thing, so don’t worry if you struggle at first. Use this to your advantage. ascent – an upward vertical movement, aural – relating to the ear rein – any means of guiding, controlling or restraining somebody or something, respectfully – showing appropriate deference and respect Other exceptions include words ending in ‘ce’ or ‘ge’ in which the final ‘e’ is not dropped when you add ‘able’ or ‘ous’. unexceptional – not special or unusual, venal – open to persuasion by corrupt means will help. trouper – a member of a group of travelling entertainers, turgid – pompous, boring and overcomplicated offers realistic test simulations developed by psychologists with years of experience designing tests for large publishers such as CEB/Gartner, Talent Q, Kenexa and TalentLens. Verbal reasoning is, in a nutshell, thinking with words. This will allow you to be quicker and more accurate. Whether you’re a police officer reading a report, an executive giving a presentation, or a lawyer writing a brief, you’ll need to communicate at some point in some way during your professional career.. These questions are designed to measure your vocabulary, specifically your understanding of word meanings. Simple Verbal Ability Tests The ‘cannot say’ answer often causes confusion. These can be relatively straightforward comprehension exercises or more complex statements, where you will need to make notes about what you can deduce from each part of the text before attempting to answer the question. invidious – producing resentment by unfairly slighting somebody, intense – great, strong or extreme in a way that can be felt Check forums, practice sites, test provider websites and anything else you can find. That’s the case even if the role is highly technical and doesn’t immediately seem to have much to do with words. Different Suppliers of Verbal Reasoning Tests, Effective Strategies When Taking the Test. What If English Isn’t My Native Language? epitaph – inscription on a tombstone, ensure – to make something certain To pass, you’ll need to score 70% or higher. poison + ous = poisonous There are no exceptions to the adding prefixes rule. love + less = loveless. Aside from cheat-detecting software, companies will often have you retake the aptitude tests in person at the assessment centre. definite + ly = definitely And they’re effective. You need to establish whether the text implies that something is true or false but doesn’t actually state that it is, or whether the text definitely states that something is true or false without any doubt. ingenious – possessing cleverness and imagination, insidious – slowly and subtly harmful or destructive implicit – not stated, but understood in what is expressed, extent – the area or range covered or affected by something Because of that, verbal reasoning tests are one of the most commonly used psychometric tests for recruitment across a variety of graduate, administrative, managerial and technical roles. While they all aim to evaluate the same set of attributes, each test provider uses a different means to do that. Verbal reasoning tests tell employers how well a candidate can extract and work with meaning, information and implications from text. conscience – the internal sense of what is right and wrong, contemptuous – a strong dislike or lack of respect Also, don’t make any assumptions. Verbal ability tests are looking to assess how well a candidate can: Verbal aptitude is, of course, a fundamental skill in the workplace. A set of tutorial videos that demonstrate how to solve major types of verbal reasoning problems. enormity – extreme wickedness, epigram – witty saying Questions help assess a person’s ability to community with others in both written and verbal formats. The test also examines logical faculties more generally, by looking at the way you take in information and critically evaluate it. You’ll need an eye for detail combined with logical thinking. persecute – to make somebody the victim of continual pestering or harassment, personnel – the department of an organisation that deals with employing staff If you’re struggling on a question, come back to it later – You can usually go backwards and forwards in the test. Use the practice questions to your advantage – At the beginning of the test, you’ll often be presented with a few practice questions so you can see what the format is. Refer + ence = reference, cancellation, crystallise, equipped, excellence, excellent, transferable, transference and questionnaire. principle – an important underlying law or assumption required in a system of thought, precedent – a decision that can be subsequently used as an example This means that each question is generated based on your previous answer. This means that you will get one mark for understanding the meaning of a word or for spelling it correctly, and you will get one mark for untangling the meaning of a complex sentence and answering a question about it. It can often feel like a whole different beast when you take the thing for real, so getting used to real test conditions will definitely help. uninterested – not interested, disassemble – to take something apart, for example, a piece of machinery While it is good practice to do practice papers, it is important for your child’s development to use other learning resources as well. Let’s put all this into practice with a couple of real-world verbal reasoning test example questions from JobTestPrep. You might also be interested in these other WikiJob articles: Or explore the Aptitude Tests / Test Types sections. gybe – to change direction, historical – existing, happening or relating to the past intently – something planned or the purpose that accompanies a plan, laudatory – expressing praise or admiration tortuous – with many turns or bends, trooper – a member of a cavalry unit In most cases, the longer that you have been out of the education system, the more your spelling will have deteriorated. quandary – a state of uncertainty or indecision, discomfit – to make unsettled or confused In general, expect to receive feedback within one to three weeks. room + mate = roommate simplistic – tending to oversimplify something, stationery – paper, envelopes, pens, pencils and other things used in writing In the following tables, ‘C’ indicates a consonant and ‘V’ a vowel. Practise your skills until they are second nature. peek – to take a quick look at something complement – a completing part, confident – self-assured or convinced Here are our recommendations for resources to use: Apps – We have our own psychometric tests app that contains eight timed verbal tests that are closely modelled on real tests. bazaar – a sale of goods, belie – to give a false impression As such, they are widely used in the recruitment process, since most jobs require you to understand and make decisions based on verbal or written information. It’s important to remember that a real test will contain a mixture of question types and that most tests allocate one mark to each correct answer – there is no differential marking. respectively – matching one list with another in the order given for both, reluctant – feeling no willingness or enthusiasm to do something There are also words in which the combination follows the letter ‘c’ and should be spelt ‘ei’ but is actually spelt ‘ie’. They can make a huge impact. Verbal reasoning test questions are purposefully written in a complex way. connote – to have an additional or implied meaning, dissent – to disagree with a widely held or majority opinion They will often be about a topic which is unfamiliar to you and the job. Free Tests. Check out our video for a short overview of what verbal reasoning tests aim to measure: We’ve got a realistic practice verbal reasoning test for you to take right here. The structure of the sentence will largely determine the meaning. Do not double it when adding a suffix that begins with a consonant. expeditious – speedy or carried out promptly and efficiently, explicit – expressing all details in a clear and obvious way canvass – to visit somebody to solicit something, capitol – building for law-making body The first step is research. While they’re not about your reading ability or language fluency, you do need to be able to understand vocabulary and phrasing to extract logic from text. Here are some of the best ways to prepare for and ace your test: Make sure you fully understand both the passage and statement before you decide on your answer. It involves thinking about text, solving word problems, following written instructions to come up with a solution, spotting letter sequences and cracking letter- and number-based codes. Don't lose out on that job. For each statement, you need to choose whether it’s: The passages of text are likely to be related to the industry or role you’re applying for, but that’s not a given — they could be about anything. The way to approach them is identical: read the text carefully and thoroughly, and then assess the given statement. Bear in mind also that some companies use different suppliers for different departments and roles. cut-e – The tests offered by cut-e employ a different structure. Time pressure tends to add to stress levels, which can lead you to get flustered and not read the questions properly or make silly mistakes. Little things like this might seem insignificant, but they can make a world of difference. There are a wide variety of Verbal tests used by employers these days. We recommend the verbal ability packages from JobTestPrep. compliment – a statement of praise Read them carefully — at least twice — so you don’t get caught out. Cubiks – Cubiks offers tests similar to CEB SHL, with passages of text that tend to be a bit shorter. You can find my full verbal reasoning success guide (& free tests) here: hope you find the video useful! Questions relate to basic grammar, synonyms and antonyms, analogies, and following written instructions. The tests also get progressively more difficult, so try to be quicker for the first set of questions to give yourself some breathing room later on. In essence, verbal reasoning tests are about your comprehension and logical reasoning skills. Verbal aptitude tests can be divided into tests of simple verbal ability (for example, spelling and grammar) and verbal reasoning (or critical reasoning).You may also face tests that involve both of these types of questions. Join a suffix and a word without changing the spelling of the word or the suffix. Very little reasoning is involved; you either know the answer or you don’t. Verbal Reasoning is an area of the 11-Plus that ties-together many of the subjects that your child will have learned during their primary school education. Typically there are three types of statements: 1. those that are logically truebased on the evidence within the passage; 1. those that are logically falsebased on the evidence within the passage; 1. those where there is not enough evidence within the passage to say categorically whether it is true or not, these are often named cannot say in tes… Opposites are exactly as the word suggests, things that are opposite to each other. flaunt – to display something ostentatiously, flounder – to act in a way that shows confusion or a lack of purpose You will usually be offered a choice of four or five words, any of which could complete the sentence. Criterion – Criterion is unique in that it has an environmental focus to its questions. The tests assess verbal reasoning, not general knowledge. affect – to give the appearance or pretence of something, elicit – to provoke a reaction unconscious – not aware of something, unexceptionable – incapable of being criticised Below are some example questions for the types of test you may encounter. The key to tackling this ambiguity is to practice reading accurately as well as quickly. Pay attention here because every bit of knowledge can save you time later. In a verbal reasoning test, you are usually provided with a passage of text followed by one or more statements. luxurious – very comfortable, with high-quality expensive fittings or fabrics, moral – relating to issues of right and wrong Talk to them. Put your phone outside the room and focus on the task at hand. commit + ing = committing In all of these words, the letter ‘c’ is pronounced like ‘sh’. Don’t forget to grab a pen and make some notes. A verbal reasoning test will evaluate your ability to communicate using the English language. Get personalised reports and prepare for a test. destroy + ed = destroyed, daily, dryly, dryness, shyly, shyness, slyly, slyness, gaiety and gaily. Psychometric tests have a long history behind them. morale – the general level of confidence or optimism felt by a person or group, moribund – having lost all sense of purpose or vitality Answers to each are below the questions. Take a look at this passage and following statement: Read the above piece of writing and then decide whether this statement is … Practice Example … The adding suffixes rule is not used when adding suffixes to words that end in ‘y’. We recommend the verbal reasoning practice tests provided by JobTestPrep. elude – to escape from or avoid, allusion – an indirect reference ‘Allude’ means ‘referred’ and ‘elude’ means ‘escaped from’. It could be in any style, including a news or journal article, or business report. In most cases, the questions will have you read a passage of text, and then assess whether a given statement related to that text is true, false or if you cannot say (in other words, whether there is insufficient information in the text to say for sure). If the suffix begins with a consonant, keep the final ‘e’. historic – important in or affecting the course of history, illusion – something that deceives the senses or mind Take a look at this passage and following statement: Read the above piece of writing and then decide whether this statement is true, false or cannot say: Supervisors should monitor employees’ email accounts to minimise the the leak of exclusive information. The set of commonly used words that end ‘–ible’ is fairly small and includes: accessible, audible, collapsible, combustible, compatible, comprehensible, contemptible, convertible, credible, crucible, defensible, digestible, discernible, edible, eligible, fallible, feasible, flexible, forcible, gullible, horrible, inadmissible, incorrigible, incorruptible, indelible, indestructible, indivisible, inexhaustible, inexpressible, intelligible, invincible, irascible, irrepressible, irresistible, legible, negligible, ostensible, perceptible, permissible, plausible, possible, reducible, reprehensible, responsible, reversible, sensible, susceptible, tangible, terrible, visible. Practice is a far better, more effective and more rewarding use of your time than cheating. precede – to come, go, be or happen before somebody or something else, racist – based on notions and stereotypes related to race alternative – another possibility, alleviate – to make something more bearable or less severe Don’t worry we’ve got you covered! You’ll then see a set of statements related to the passage that you need to evaluate. Rest assured that you won’t be the first person with dyslexia or another learning difficulty that the company has come across. emigrate – to leave a place, especially a native country, imply – to make something understood without expressing it directly phase – a clearly distinguishable period or stage in a process, flagrant – very obvious and contrary to standards of conduct or morality immoral – contrary to accepted moral principles, appraise – to give an estimate of how much money something is worth The test will be in English and most likely so will your work environment. The adding suffixes rule is not used when adding suffixes to words that end in ‘e’. is known as the English section and requires you to approach the answers logically and with a scientific mind.. Verbal reasoning tests are used by interviewers to find out how well a candidate can assess verbal logic. An example would be the words 'allude’ and ‘elude’. You’ll still need to be able to communicate your work to others, act on communications and reports, and interpret textual data. Click the 'Take test' link below to get started. Verbal skills are vital in any workplace and impact on internal communications, communicating with clients, reading industry reports, reacting to news articles, following written instructions and giving others written instructions. They need to be or they wouldn’t tell employers very much about their candidates. Eat a good breakfast. In other words, use only the information presented, as additional facts (not presented as part of the question), will never contribute to the answer, even if those facts are common knowledge. This is somewhat rare, but it does happen. These questions are relatively straightforward but because more than one of the options will complete the sentence satisfactorily, you must read it carefully and choose the best word. exalted – high in rank, position or esteem, expedient – appropriate, advisable or useful in a situation that requires action Join a prefix and a word without changing the spelling of the prefix or the word. For example, if you have misspelt a word by juxtaposing the ‘i’ and ‘e’ then spend ten minutes making a list of words which use this letter combination. continuous – continuing without changing, stopping or being interrupted, convince – to make somebody sure or certain of something T waste time staring at it, analyze, and remember to breathe and stay.. + ment = shipment determine the meaning like this might seem insignificant, but it does happen dyslexia or learning!, period of time for the test verbal reasoning examples skills are frequently tested during recruitment... 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