might sentences examples

--she was speaking hurriedly, evidently afraid her strength might fail her-- "Will he ever forgive me? This was an airy and unplastered cabin, fit to entertain a travelling god, and where a goddess might trail her garments. She drops $300 on Google ads before realizing it might not be a great fit. He wasn't impervious to harm, much as he might think so. The adjutant, also, had evidently had no evil intent though he might have refrained from coming in. I might … He might show up any time to claim the ranch. English Modals of NECESSITY, Definitions and Examples, Opposite Of Depression, Antonyms of Depression, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Punctual, Antonyms of Punctual, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Affirmative, Antonyms of Affirmative, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Diverse, Antonyms of Diverse, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Sensitive, Antonyms of Sensitive, Meaning and Example Sentences, The director said that when you feel ready, you, On some issues that indicate purpose, we use. She watched for soft areas where a wagon might get stuck. According to the terms of the contract, your payment was due on May st. A patch of blue cement suggested a swimming pool might also inhabit the estate. Might not the basket, stable-broom, mat-making, corn-parching, linen-spinning, and pottery business have thrived here, making the wilderness to blossom like the rose, and a numerous posterity have inherited the land of their fathers? Exclamatory sentences express powerful emotions, and, respectively, strive to evoke the same emotions in readers. He glanced at her to make sure that he might go on. 4. was all that was said of them, and they were thrown over the parapet and removed later on that they might not stink. A month ago she would have said she might never marry, and yet it had crossed her mind a number of times since she met Bordeaux. Some might call it luck, but she knew better. Just think; they might have been real people you were seeing. thought he, full of an irrepressible fury that welled up within him against the someone to whom what was happening might be attributed. Guides dressed in colonial garb will dot the trail and answer any questions you might have. In the examples of imperative sentences here, you'll note that each line is issuing a command of some sort: All these conversations, especially the joking with the girls, were such as might have had a particular charm for Petya at his age, but they did not interest him now. As difficult as it might be to "let go," this is good for peace. Occasionally he glanced behind him, as if searching for someone, or something, that might be watching. One might have expected to find YouTube making its cameo in the earlier "communication" section, but I deliberately moved it here. They were lined up as far as the eye could see on the Apian Way, the main road through Rome, as a warning to other slaves who might consider rebellion. So it was decided that the boy should go to some school where he might be prepared for college. At first King Frost was very angry, and the fairies trembled and crouched lower in their hiding-places, and I do not know what might have happened to them if just then a party of boys and girls had not entered the wood. Then it occurred to me that with the help of this new word I might succeed in straightening out the "mug-milk" difficulty. You might have said something in my defense last night, instead of sitting there like a lump on a log. Examples of might in a Sentence Noun an impressive display of military might the legal might of the government Recent Examples on the Web: Auxiliary verb Teams instead might only be in town for two nights, more like a regular-season road game. It was some distance from the farm house and he thought he might not get to it before it left. 111 sentence examples: 1. Good writers explain their ideas well. We will see how this might come to pass—but first, let's ask whether it must. If he thinks I might be up today, he'll insist on staying home so he won't miss me. To a proposal made by General Campan (who was to attack the fleches) to lead his division through the woods, Napoleon agreed, though the so-called Duke of Elchingen (Ney) ventured to remark that a movement through the woods was dangerous and might disorder the division. If she cried, we never came. Example answer: “Thanks for asking about my time at Crane & Jenkins. For a moment she wanted to retract the part about being entertainment, but when he spoke she realized it might have been exactly what she needed to say. In the domain of jurisprudence, which consists of discussions of how a state and power might be arranged were it possible for all that to be arranged, it is all very clear; but when applied to history that definition of power needs explanation. Keep it up and I might decide to withdraw my invitation. This might be the most difficult decision she would ever make. In fact, if she confronted him now and then, he might be more inclined to volunteer information before she found out about it. A part of her might never forgive him for what he did... and that was a dark part of her personality that she didn't want him to see. Vera's remark was correct, as her remarks always were, but, like most of her observations, it made everyone feel uncomfortable, not only Sonya, Nicholas, and Natasha, but even the old countess, who--dreading this love affair which might hinder Nicholas from making a brilliant match-- blushed like a girl. English Modal Verbs Might, Definition and Example Sentences, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I thought, as I have my living to get, and have not eaten to-day, that I might go a-fishing. You might argue that since there is now a surplus of labor in Chad's neighborhood, the price of labor is lowered and Chad will only find work paying $9.75 an hour. Research Proposal! On the other hand, if you abandoned the wagons and rode the mules, you might be able to keep ahead of the Indians. She returned the cellphoneafter she found out it was defective. Zero conditionals are also referred to as real conditionals, as this type of sentences portrays true statements that do occur or will occur in certain circumstances. Then he thought what a pretty picture might be made of his sister's sweet face and little hands. Personally, the thought we might work together in one location, absent the hectic schedule presently exhausting us, made me giddy and set my mind a-tumble with possibilities. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. She saw his face, heard his voice, repeated his words and her own, and sometimes devised other words they might have spoken. Now, with Quinn's interest piqued, we were a committed pack of five dedicated to seek answers, wherever they might lie. Immediately the Prince and all of his people flocked out of the hall into the street, that they might see what was about to happen. Introduction in Research Paper! I might meet some tall, dark, handsome man on the way, and you'd chase him off. 2. Cassie, I'm not leaving you, so you might as well try to go on. 6. I was just thinking I might have betrayed yours. That's when it first crossed my mind that you might be the one. Abstract! I mean, it might be hurtful for your sister to see me using your mothers' things. The thought that what I wrote might not be absolutely my own tormented me. In any of these eventualities the flank march that brought salvation might have proved disastrous. He might never say anything to Jonathan about it, but Jonathan would know in other ways how he felt. Quinn added, We didn't want to wake him, or be talking about him while he might overhear. While the interior décor might not be much to look at, don't let it put you off the menu. CK 1 2237384 Tom might run. So one might have thought that regarding this period of the campaign the historians, who attributed the actions of the mass to the will of one man, would have found it impossible to make the story of the retreat fit their theory. "And our share?" It wasn't something she was looking forward to, but it might be helpful. Fearing that they would be light-headed for want of food and also sleep, owing to "the savages' barbarous singing, (for they use to sing themselves asleep,)" and that they might get home while they had strength to travel, they departed. With a little more wit we might use these materials so as to become richer than the richest now are, and make our civilization a blessing. August 01 2019 , 24 Comments When it comes to writing a CV, it helps to have a solid example of a good CV to benchmark your own CV against.. Not because she wanted the money, but because it might become an issue. Whatever her father's feelings might be, she begged Natasha to believe that she could not help loving her as the one chosen by her brother, for whose happiness she was ready to sacrifice everything. Any guard might arrest him, but by strange chance no one does so and all rapturously greet the man they cursed the day before and will curse again a month later. He had merely understood that the woman he had known as a child, of whom when her beauty was mentioned he had said absent-mindedly: "Yes, she's good looking," he had understood that this woman might belong to him. Then his lips and tongue moved, sounds came, and he began to speak, gazing timidly and imploringly at her, evidently afraid that she might not understand. We had hurried through the dish-washing after luncheon, in order that we might have as long an afternoon as possible for the story. We have discussed several elements of research papers through examples. But, while we were discussing plans for the winter, a suggestion which Dr. Hale had made long ago flashed across Teacher's mind--that I might take courses somewhat like those offered at Radcliffe, under the instruction of the professors in these courses. Beyond Smolensk there were several different roads available for the French, and one would have thought that during their stay of four days they might have learned where the enemy was, might have arranged some more advantageous plan and undertaken something new. Well, one day King Frost was trying to think of some good that he could do with his treasure; and suddenly he concluded to send some of it to his kind neighbour, Santa Claus, to buy presents of food and clothing for the poor, that they might not suffer so much when King Winter went near their homes. You might have taken some from the covering troops. And the nearer he drew to it the more Alpatych felt that this unreasonable action might produce good results. You've demonstrated your abilities and yet you've restricted your activities to accomplish a specific good, at no small risk to yourselves, I might add. For a moment her heart beat overtime and it looked as though she might fall, but Alex smoothly caught her and stepped around, covering her fumbling so well that no one appeared to notice. Some might argue this is not in and of itself a force for peace. sentence examples. she hissed viciously, and tugged with all her might at the portfolio. He feared that Bonaparte's genius might outweigh all the courage of the Russian troops, and at the same time could not admit the idea of his hero being disgraced. He indicated the stud farms at which Nicholas might procure horses, recommended to him a horse dealer in the town and a landowner fourteen miles out of town who had the best horses, and promised to assist him in every way. All around the quarters occupied by the French were other regions still unexplored and unoccupied where, they thought, yet greater riches might be found. I thought I might just as well describe my pet in order to know it--order, vertebrate; division, quadruped; class, mammalia; genus, felinus; species, cat; individual, Tabby. A finding might look like this: "People who eat radishes get better slightly more frequently than people who don't.". Example Sentences. See the examples below. The countess knew this, but what it might be she did not know, and this alarmed and tormented her. Since one cannot have everything, seed makers invariably will make trade-offs that might be different than what I would make. Whatever the case, Mary questioned anything that might indicate discord between Carmen and Alex. He seized his pistol and, instead of firing it, flung it at the Frenchman and ran with all his might toward the bushes. Examples might include goals you’ve accomplished with teams or moments in which your leadership qualities helped your team succeed. They suggest other products a customer might be interested in. That's not as far out as you might think. You might want to get there early, because the restaurant attracts quite a crowd, particularly during the weekend. I can't ignore what else we might accomplish. I concluded that if I reported to your Serene Highness you might send me away or say that you knew what I was reporting, but then I shouldn't lose anything... What do you think?" 443. I have watered the red huckleberry, the sand cherry and the nettle-tree, the red pine and the black ash, the white grape and the yellow violet, which might have withered else in dry seasons. He longed to get into that water, however dirty it might be, and he glanced round at the pool from whence came sounds of shrieks and laughter. To his right, walked the woman he might marry – Connie Spencer. Listed below are some examples of complex sentences with an independent clause and a subordinate clause. Courage seems now to have deserted him. Not by a single word had Nicholas alluded to the fact that Prince Andrew's relations with Natasha might, if he recovered, be renewed, but Princess Mary saw by his face that he knew and thought of this. The second man then spoke up and said, It is true that I sold him the ground, but I did not reserve anything he might find in it. A shiver ran through the tree, and the wind sent forth a blast that would have knocked me off had I not clung to the branch with might and main. young people stay when they are on a walking holiday. We conveyed the meager information to a national tip line, fearing it might be too little too late. We might as well omit to study Nature because she is old. "Uncle" too was in high spirits and far from being offended by the brother's and sister's laughter (it could never enter his head that they might be laughing at his way of life) he himself joined in the merriment. 835. But nowhere in it was there even a hint that it might not be possible. We went down a hundred and twenty feet in an elevator that we might see the violent eddies and whirlpools in the deep gorge below the Falls. 'Against God's might our hands can't fight.'. The postmaster came in and began obsequiously to beg his excellency to wait only two hours, when, come what might, he would let his excellency have the courier horses. The bar boasts a selection of imported sake, shouchu, plum liqueur and beer sure to help comfort any achy muscles you might have from your active day. Carmen thought that might be the end of the conflict. CK 1 2248787 It might help. He might not have heard what she said, but he must have heard her speak. Bordeaux might not want to take them into their home. There they might live in peace and safety while all the country round was overrun by rude and barbarous men. He himself carefully scanned each face, appraising the possibilities of establishing intimacy with each of those present, and the advantages that might accrue. It suddenly occurred to me that he might make a delightful pet; so I seized him by the tail with both hands and carried him home. That might be true, but there was no point in working at becoming a spendthrift simply because he had money. He had not decided what it should mean when he heard the voice of the eldest princess at the door asking whether she might come in. CK 1 1230486 It might rain. It never occurred to me that it might be worth while to make my own observations and describe the experiences peculiarly my own. He thought too of the possibility (which he feared most of all) that Napoleon might fight him with his own weapon and remain in Moscow awaiting him. Thinking about it now, I may have told him to meet us at 10am instead of 8am! Some of the peasants said that these new arrivals were Russians and might take it amiss that the mistress was being detained. If he had lied to her, he might have cheated as well. 13 A touring cyclist, for example , might … Smith says that if one man tried to make pins by himself, he might make one per day. It might have done damage inside. If the driver was hurt, she might be able to help. As it was, the kids might pick up on her fear and emulate. Everybody in the stalls, boxes, and galleries began clapping and shouting with all their might, and the man stopped and began smiling and bowing to all sides. I thought you might want to go with Mom and Tammy. The dust storm might work in their favor, but it would only increase their discomfort. He had a brilliant position in society thanks to his intimacy with Countess Bezukhova, a brilliant position in the service thanks to the patronage of an important personage whose complete confidence he enjoyed, and he was beginning to make plans for marrying one of the richest heiresses in Petersburg, plans which might very easily be realized. My brother may have to be operated on for the knee injury. Giddon was obviously watching her, so calling on her telephone might be tipping her hand. That flank march might not only have failed to give any advantage to the Russian army, but might in other circumstances have led to its destruction. If they presented a united front, Tessa might back up. He had told her that after the sixteenth he could not be responsible for what might happen. If there is snow, we make snow angels. She showed me how very foolish it would be for me to pursue a four years' course of study at Radcliffe, simply to be like other girls, when I might better be cultivating whatever ability I had for writing. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " It may take a long time. " began the priest in that voice, clear, not grandiloquent but mild, in which only the Slav clergy read and which acts so irresistibly on a Russian heart. Looking at his cold face, as he sat like a stern schoolmaster who was prepared to wait awhile for an answer, Pierre felt that every instant of delay might cost him his life; but he did not know what to say. One of the players said he hoped he might be trusted. Actually, I could make guesses, but they might well be spectacularly wrong and a guy doesn't want that haunting him ten years from now. You may as well ask your friend for advice. The only complaint that can be levied at this restaurant is that the prices are higher than one might expect for such simple fare. Besides, they said Helen's wonderful deliverance might be a boon to other afflicted children. At a little distance from the palace we might easily mistake it for a mountain whose peaks were mounting heavenward to receive the last kiss of the departing day. If the name was not derived from that of some English locality--Saffron Walden, for instance--one might suppose that it was called originally Walled-in Pond. All Rights Reserved. If she has no pride for herself she might at least have some for my sake! 3. If you are a masseuse, your massage oils might come from Indonesia. said several voices, and one of the soldiers, evidently afraid that Pierre might want to take from them some of the plate and bronzes that were in the drawer, moved threateningly toward him. It crossed her mind that he might trip on the mossy rocks, but he crossed the creek with sure steps. "But they're a clean folk, lads," the first man went on; "he was white-- as white as birchbark--and some of them are such fine fellows, you might think they were nobles.". After sampling the barbecue delights around here, it might be a good idea to get some exercise. This post may contain affiliate links. ". " She, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and polite young men, beamed with satisfaction, try as she might to hide it, and perturbed as she evidently was each time her husband moved in his sleep behind her. Karataev looked at Pierre with his kindly round eyes now filled with tears, evidently wishing him to come near that he might say something to him. Her method might not succeed so completely in the hands of any one else. Scientific research paper. Langeron, trying as virulently as possible to sting Weyrother's vanity as author of the military plan, argued that Bonaparte might easily attack instead of being attacked, and so render the whole of this plan perfectly worthless. The regimental commander was afraid he might be blamed for this and did not answer. Dorothy and Zeb now got out of the buggy and walked beside the Prince, so that they might see and examine the flowers and plants better. She might as well pick the time and the place. The Merlin it seemed to me it might be called: but I care not for its name. He knew that it was a lost battle and that the least accident might now--with the fight balanced on such a strained center--destroy him and his army. The wolf were drawn out together some of my words that might her... Happen, '' he added with an involuntary smile children, your was., only not that I need my shirt back... not only might but should, have up! 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