snake plant white spot

Overwatering, pest infestation, and molds are common causes of white spots in a snake plant. Why Is My Snake Plant Dying? This damage interrupts the pathways in which water and nutrients flow, inhibiting water uptake through the roots, causing the plant to perish from lack of moisture. Also, keep the plant in good airflow and keep the humidity level average around the snake plant to avoid pest issues. This way, you can keep your snake plants healthy, prevent pest infestation, and fungal growth on your beloved plant. An upright, much-branched perennial with smooth (sometimes hairy) stems and fibrous roots. Do not mist the snake plant as it will keep the leaves moist, which snake plants do not like. Spider mites are relatives of spiders spreading their webs on the leaves and sucking tissues. Quarantine infected plants from healthy ones to prevent the spread. Check out my article about the best ways to clean indoor plant leaves, to make this a quick and easy process. Let the plant sit for a few days and repeat the process. Maintain higher humidity around your plants too; spider mites thrive in dry conditions. These tiny sucking pests are found on the undersides of leaves, wreaking havoc on indoor houseplants. Plants may also exhibit a fine, spider-like webbing between the leaves or at the base of the plant. All Snake Plants like bright light with at least some direct sun for several hours a day, however they will still grow in any position (although a little bit slower) as long as it's not deep shade.. Watering. Soggy soils encourage the growth and multiplication of Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, or Fusarium fungi which spreads into the roots, infecting plants. If left untreated, leaves will yellow, curl, and drop. Sometimes your snake plant can become dirty from dust accumulating on the leaves, and this can reduce the amount of light entering the leaves, even if the plant is situated in a bright room. Pests and fungal cannot easily attack the plant if the plant is in dry conditions and gets proper light. Fungal growths first appear as white areas on the leaves, then changes to a deep brown color. Depending on the container size, the cylindrical fleshy green leaves can grow up to 7 ft. (2 m) long. Over time the spots expand and coalesce to form large, sunken, liquidy lesions. Water your snake plant appropriately and take necessary actions to keep pests at bay. (Causes+What to Do), Why Is My Spider Plant Turning Brown? Let’s see what these pests do to your plants and how you can get rid of them. As long as you catch the infestation early, you can remove spider mites by wiping them off with a moist cloth, while mealybugs can be dabbed with alcohol. Snake plant’s leaves are thick and firm and are hardy plants overall. 99 Stunted or deformed leaf growth, especially on new foliage as mealybugs inject a toxin into leaves when they feed on the plant’s fluid. Dab the insects with cotton dipped in rubbing alcohol. You won’t have to worry about all the ways to water houseplants while on vacation, as your snake plant will easily tolerate 3 weeks or more without water, even in warm, arid conditions. How to identify the cause of white spots in snake plants? Horticulture oil is an eco-friendly and effective way to treat scale infection. This could … With my experience of keeping plants for several years, I have learned a lot about them and how to keep them alive and thriving and so here I am to pen down my experience for all of you. It is most commonly seen in spring and summer months when temperatures are warmer but can infect houseplants year-round. Keep up with the care routine and water your snake plant when the soil gets dry. This plant can grow several feet tall, and does well in low-light areas. Overwatering and root rot is the primary cause of stunted growth in a snake plant. Read on to learn about the ailments Snake Plants succumb to, and appropriate treatments, so you can address the problem correctly and quickly. The rhizomes, along with leaves and roots, store water. Isolate the infested plant, prune infected parts, and discard them. Mix pure neem with water and spray the mixture all over the infested plant parts. The snake plant needs some attention, and you should have some knowledge regarding their care and needs. It flowers a bloom that resembles lilies, and the flowers are white or cream in color. All about fertilizing snake plant(Types, How Much & More), The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, How Often Do You Water Spider Plants? Soak rice in water for ten days. Bracts of the involucre (leafy appendages at the base of the flowerhead) acutely pointed, hairless. Keep applying the mixture every few days for complete control. If you keep repotting them again and again, they might end up getting weak and vulnerable. No matter what you choose to call it, everything you have ever wanted to know about keeping a happy, healthy Sansevieria plant lies in this article. The strong wood energy cuts through negative or stagnant energy. Don’t forget to clean the leaves of your snake plant every few months. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Etsy, and other affiliate programs. Source: The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, University of Minnesota, Snake plant profile. Fertilize your snake plant during the growing season with a basic fertilizer, i.e., an organic all-purpose houseplant food, once every two months. See here for my best ideas for indoor planters. These could be the reason for this fungal disease, which you might be unaware of. The roots then die back due to lack of oxygen or the overgrowth of a soil fungus. This attracts pests and also leads to white mold. Repot the snake plant at least a five years gap. Like any other plant though it can succumb to problems causing you to scratch your head in wonder, trying to figure out why your snake plant is dying and how to remedy it. 5. Why is my snake plant dying? I’m here to share my experience and help you have more success and enjoyment growing plants. This problem should be fixed soon as they are contagious and will become a threat to the plant’s health. Mealybugs are usually found in colonies in somewhat protected areas of the Snake Plant such as on the leaves close to the soil surface. Water your plant thoroughly. They are very much like succulents in that they don't require very much water and can handle most environments, with the exception of extreme cold. A mealybug infestation will cause leaves to lose color and wilt. (And How To Fix It). Please note: Simplify Plants is reader-supported. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. Spray the liquid part using a spray bottle on the plant and wash the plant with plain filtered water after 1-15 minutes of spraying. This could mean only watering your Snake Plant every 1-2 months during the cooler, winter months when the plant is dormant. Snake plants are not too sensitive plants but may get infested by pests. The soaked rice has fermented and converted into ethyl alcohol. (Signs+When To Repot), Excess salt in the water can cause white spots in snake plant, Pest infestation leads to white spots in snake plant, Horticulture oils for treatment of scale infection. Snake Plant Pests And Diseases. They should be used as directed and shouldn’t be overused as they can be bad for the plan too. Using biological insecticides, they attack a long-list of troublesome pests. Foul smell from the soil and roots, indicating. Use insecticides as a preventive spray on the plant every month to keep the pests away from the plant. When you water your plant, the water evaporates slowly, but the salt remains. Repot the plant, if caught soon enough. Avoid misting around and on your snake plant. Snake Plant Care Tips. Remember to water minimally when the season is dormant as they are in a resting period and there is not enough light and heat, so the soil dries slowly. Mealybugs also excrete honeydew — a sugar-rich, sticky liquid — as they feed, encouraging the growth of sooty mold. ZZ — shorthand for the plant’s tongue-tangling botanical name, Zamioculcas zamiifolia — may be the solution for anyone who wishes they could grow something — anything — without much attention and hassle, and better still if it can thrive on neglect. You can save your plant and yourself from the hustle by preventing the issue from setting in and suck the life out of your plant. That affects soil quality and makes the plant vulnerable to pest, fungal, and bacterial growth, which lead to white molds. My name is Richa and I am here to simplify all your houseplants problems and get you a healthy and thriving plant that adds to the beauty of your home. Visible on the roots first causing them to turn brown and mushy — classic signs of rot. A Snake Plant also exhibits wilting of the leaves with white thread-like growths and wet, softened areas of dying plant tissue. That will prevent white mold on the plant. Isolate the plant and prune out the infected parts of the plant. Lighting is a significant factor that your snake plant needs to grow and to stay healthy, and maintain the perfect conditions they like. Some links in the post are affiliate links and I get a commission from purchases made through links in the post. Regardless of how green your thumb is, unfortunately the following can still affect your plants. Typically, the leaves stay under about 18 inches in height. The mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant (Sansevieria sp.) If you want to get just the right light conditions for your snake plant, I’ve also written about how much light snake plants need to grow and thrive. Then, you also need to check the leaves for any weird spots. You can keep the plant near a window and use sheer curtains to filter the direct light. But why do snake plants get white spots, and how can we fix the same? Provide proper light to your plant with the right amount of water. Keep checking your plants periodically for disease symptoms. Spider mites feed on the fluids found inside the leaves of Snake Plants, piercing the waxy coating to access the internal fluids. If you repot your snake plant, then make sure you are repotting in a pot one size bigger than the existing pot. You can recognize these problems by the plant's appearance. Slight infestations can be treated with a sulfur spray or copper-containing fungicide. While snake plants will struggle to survive in pots without drainage holes, there are a number of solutions to this problem that you wouldn’t immediately think of. Keep the leaves of your Snake Plant dusted, eliminating places for spider mites to nest and lay eggs. Please keep checking the plant regularly to control any infestation or other issues before it takes over. Put the snake plant in a spot where it can receive full-day indirect sun. It has tall, dark-green leaves with light grayish-green horizontal stripes. Carefully inspect all new plants when you bring them into your home since mealybugs easily crawl from one plant to a neighboring one. When exposed to cold temperatures the cell walls within leaves are damaged. During winters, keep the snake plant away from the window as cold drafts can attract the pests and lead to fungal growth. Mix 1 tsp neem oil to 1 gallon of water and spray every 7-14 days as required. Spotted leaves occur when fungal spores in the air find a warm, wet, plant surface to cling to. It is essential to check your plant’s condition from time to time because pests can lead to your snake plant’s demise. It is essential to know what signs are telling you that your plant is unwell. (Brown Tips+Brown Spots). in pots without drainage holes, root rot can kill the whole plant within ten days. Please take the time to check out my recommended resources section, which discusses some of the best books, tools, and resources which have helped me improve my knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of gardening. The fertilizer will provide adequate supplements to the plant to boost its growth. Also read: Overwatering vs. Underwatering. Your snake plant flourishes in bright light but filtered light. link to How To Revive Dying Spider Plants? Chemical treatment will not eradicate the current infection but prevents spores from germinating. The challenge with root rot is that it often goes unnoticed because it occurs beneath the soil surface and out of sight. The salts accumulate with time and lead to white spots that can even limit the plant’s growth. If that is not possible, then keep a bucket full of water overnight so that the excess salt can sit at the bottom and then water with that in the morning. Before attempting rubbing alcohol, spot test an inconspicuous area on your plant to ensure it won’t damage foliage; the waxy succulent leaves on a Snake Plant are typically strong enough to withstand a little bit of rubbing alcohol, but it’s best to double check before treating your plant. This Snake Plant is one of the more petite varieties. Keep checking the plant leaves and roots every few weeks to prune overgrown parts timely and prevent pest infestation and fungal growth. "This is what makes snake plants so great," he explains. Bushy and very dull plants, then pruning and lighting routines need to be looked after. The excess water should be drenched completely to prevent water from sitting in the soil for long. Low light conditions will also cause growth to slow. Apart from that, under fertilizing, low light, repotting, humidity, and pest problems are a common problem that can affect your snake plant’s growth. The fibers obtained from the snake plant are smooth, creamy white and used in the textile industry. Snake plants don’t like to stay moist for long, and moistness can support fungal growth, white molds, etc. You can read all about the impact of low light on houseplants with this really useful article. Wash the plant with a strong stream of water. But sometimes, plant owners fertilize their snake plant too much to see fast growth. Snake plants usually have thick, rigid leaves that point upward, so if you see them drooping from any angle, you might want to consider cutting back on the water supply. Prune the damaged and dead leaves as soon as you see them on your snake plant. They are oval-shaped, reddish-brown, or pale in color. You can use any organic fungicide and insecticide on the plant every few weeks to prevent any fungal growth and pests attack. Insecticidal pesticides available in the market are very effective on these bugs. Re-apply every few days for complete eradication. The excess water then gets stored in the leaves, that burst as white spots. If the leaves are severely damaged, then trim off the entire leaf at the soil line. It grows up to 2 … Some hobbyist loves their spider plant but struggles to keep them alive. Growth slows down considerably or stops completely during the cooler winter months as plants go dormant to conserve energy. Following are the signs through which your plant is telling you that they need your support: Go through the following factors that need to be taken care of to prevent white molds on your snake plant. Make sure the leaves look good after pruning. Within a week to ten days, external symptoms appear, signifying infection. Plants might develop tan brown lesions, which mean watering issues. Ignoring them can lead to unwanted problems and can exterminate them too. Also read: How much light do snake plant need? Apart from these low lighting, overfertilization and frequent repotting can also lead to white spots in a snake plant. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made by our readers with no extra cost added to you all! If you overwater your snake plant, the excess water will accumulate in the soil, leaving it soggy. Neem oil disturbs the growth of mealy bugs and has antifeedant properties. Spray fungicide in the soil and roots to avoid any future contamination. Mites. If a lot of your Snake Plant leaves are falling over, it’s a good bet the cause is overwatering. If you don’t get rid of mealybugs, they can end up killing your plants. $39.99. There are two ways you can avoid this issue or further stop this problem is by watering the plant with filtered water. The snake plant is a perfect expression of upward, growing ch’i. Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide. The light should be moderate but should be given to the plant the whole day long for better growth. Small red or reddish-brown spots on the leaves with a tan center. Give them time if you feel your plant is unwell, try other methods to render the issue. Once symptoms are visible in the leaves the problem may be past the point of rectifying, endangering the entire plant. Mealybugs on plants look like small white bugs or they may appear as white fuzzy stuff on plant leaves and stems. Buy disease-free plants and scrub the pots with soap and water with a bleach solution and water to avoid any contamination. Hi, I’m Andrew, and Smart Garden Guide is my website all about indoor gardening and houseplants. Frequent repotting has a bad impact on the roots of the plant. Also read: When should I repot my houseplant? Southeastern, Southern, and Eastern corners are the best feng shui spots to place your plants. It grows 36 inches tall and is as easy to grow as other snake plant varieties. You may have some decorative pots with plenty of drainage that you can plant your snake plant in, but personally, I much prefer to set the pot on a drip tray, or inside a more decorative planter. Fungal spores from fluffy white stuff on the plant parts spread in the air and also through water sitting on leaves. As root rot progresses leaves turn yellow, wilt, or droop and then become mushy as well. The flowers point upward and are clear white and tuftlike. Leaves may be stippled with discoloration, or turning yellow overall. 99 mealybugs on plants can still affect your plants from fluffy white on... Seems right ; still, your snake plant, the leaves or at soil... And dead leaves as soon as you see them on your houseplant on these bugs to family. University of Minnesota, snake plant week to ten days, external symptoms appear, signifying infection garden alike! Cured and pruned as it is most commonly seen problem with snake plants do not get affected. Symptoms are visible in the leaves, wreaking havoc on indoor houseplants keep your snake plant is one the... Are oval-shaped, reddish-brown, or curled leaves quality and makes the plant ’ s Sensation ’ — leaves. See here for my best ideas for indoor plants other succulents, snake. 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