temperance tarot card upright card keywords

Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) Four of cups are part of the minor arcana cards. There can be a sense of hedonism, and a selfish desire for gratification with this card. Moon (High Priestess) in Libra . Keywords of “Temperance”: • UPRIGHT: Balance, peace, moderation, patience, calm, tranquillity, harmony, serenity, middle path, purpose, finding meaning • REVERSED: Imbalance, extremes, excess, discord, recklessness, hastiness, self-healing, re-alignment The next card I would like to tackle is Card 16, also known as “The Tower”, but I’m unsure on which character I … Because polar opposites are being merged under divine guidance, the Temperance Tarot card also symbolizes healing and inspiration. I like to think of each keyword as a memory hook that you can use to sort situations and things you encounter in everyday life. Temperance Tarot Card Meaning Keywords: Balance – Flow – Harmony . Temperance tarot card meaning In a tarot card reading, the Devil showing up is mostly taken as a concerning sign, especially if it is in an upright position. He is apparently a messenger of the LORD, as we can see his face is like the sun. The Tower – far away, separated; 5 of Wands – dissent, resistance, imbalance; 7 of Cups – over limit, overdone; 5 of Swords – Discord, lack of harmony; 5 of Pentacle – poor health. REVERSED: Imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment. UPRIGHT: Control, willpower, success, action, determination REVERSED: Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction The Chariot Description. This tarot card evokes serenity, which is represented through the flow of the water. We also notice that he's the same angel that appeared on the Lovers card. The major arcana is a term for the first 22 cards of the deck (numbered 1-21, and one single unnumbered card), while the minor arcana represent the remaining 56 cards, which are split into four suits: Swords, Pentacles, Cups, Wands and Cups, per Mind Body Green … Keywords. Be mindful of the decisions that you make. The artist, David Higgins, first painted a card for the Fantasy Showcase Tarot and later moved on to illustrating and creating his own self-published deck. Get the IMTarot deck by Tarotingie and help support this site :) Temperance tarot card meanings in traditional tarot stem from its connection to both Astrology and Numerology. Temperance Tarot Card Meaning - Ethony Reversed Tarot Card. A tarot deck is split into two parts: the major arcana cards and the minor arcana cards. Two of swords in a general reading. In the tarot, angels are often thought to represent the higher self or divine guidance. TEMPERANCE TAROT CARD MEANINGS AND DESCRIPTION. imbalance, excess, extremes, discord, recklessness, hastiness. The Fool (Upright) Career : The Fool (Reversed) Career : Work and business related to travel, travel, tourism. You are in good health emotionally and physically. Home > Tarot > Major Arcana > Temperance. Temperance Keywords. Description. TarotLuv. The Temperance card calls on us to bring more balance into our lives. The Major Arcana is made up of 22 cards (or trumps). Upright meaning keywords: Overcoming obstacles, success, persistence, strength, control, ambition, intelligent effort. It is a sign that the relationships in your life are harmonious. Chariot Tarot Card Meanings. In the upright, it suggests that you are doing just that. The Temperance card shows a large, winged angel who is both masculine … Temperance holds number 14, and it is the fifteen tarot card of the Major Arcana cards. His arms are crossed, and he seems to be deep in thought. From The Modern Love Tarot - Buy Now. Upright and Reversed meaning Temperance tarot card upright. However, when in reverse, this card implies that you are delaying a certain “destruction”. 14 depicts a change in balance. Patience, harmony, steady relationships, long term relationships, trust, faithfulness. Often called “Holy Patience”, Temperance is all about the need for a brand-new phase of reflection to achieve the right balance between feeling and reason. The Temperance Keywords. It represents patience, moderation, calmness, perspective, peace, harmony, and healthy balance in life. Represented by a middle-aged man, leaning on the throne, cross-legged, from which he observes his kingdom with a posture that emanates security and mastery. Represented by an Angel who pours the liquid from one amphora to the other, without spilling a single drop. Temperance is the 14th Major Arcana card among all the other 22 Major Arcana cards. fusion. Symbolizing the zodiac sign of Sagittarius in astrology, the tarot card is a trump card or the major arcana in the most traditional tarot decks. The Temperance Man Card(Upright) in Major Arcana Tarot Spread-Keywords Meanings:- Balance, peace, overcoming addiction, Harmony, divine-intervention, control, ability, Harmonious relationships, soul mates, inner calm, moderation, peace, and patience. Temperance Upright Draw Meaning. In traditional tarot decks, this card shows an older man sitting on a throne depicting rams that stare boldly ahead. UPRIGHT: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose. Everyone of us is aware of his or her Spiritual need. If ever … It symbolizes discipline and self-control. Temperance Tarot Card Upright keywords Love and Relationship (Upright). Temperance Tarot Card Description. Upright keywords: healing, rest, regrouping, recovery, restoration, fortification, rebuilding The reversed side of this card indicates that there are valuables in life besides assets and money. The Hermit is the ninth trump card of the Tarot deck. Meaning of the Fool Tarot Card Temperance Description. You may possess a more fiery energy, and although this can be of benefit, it can also easily throw you off course from your goals. The Chariot Tarot card shows a brave warrior standing inside a chariot. The Eight of Pentacles card depicts a skilled laborer working on their mastered craft. Temperance History. The Temperance tarot card (XIV) is the 15th Major Arcana card in the standard Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Position: 2. The Devil card, upright, as a card showing intentions, points to human greed and perhaps sexual attraction based on lust. Active element: Fire . Upright: Healing, patience, moderation Reversed: Out of control, exhaustion, need to stop. Are you presently learning how to bring balance into your life? Patience, control, harmony, reason, moderation, healing. Temperance Tarot Card Keywords. Card. Tarot Card Meanings for the Temperance Card Keywords for Temperance Harmony, balance, synthesis, moderation, blending, synergy, alchemy, being temperate, blending opposites, angel communication, connecting with your guides, merging, looking for divine intervention; beginning self-help/therapy, self-acceptance. You are getting along well with others and solving problems using a unique mix of solutions. In this way, each Tarot Cards symbolize specific keywords. Temperance is the 14th Major Arcana card among all the other 22 Major Arcana cards. The Justice tarot card and love upright meaning indicates fairness and equity in love. The Temperance Guide – The Tarot Card of Balance and Tranquility. It denotes a loving, committed, and respectful relationship in which you and your partner have found the ideal combination of love, commitment, and respect. Keywords: Intentions, Opportunities. Upright Temperance If Death is the card of transformation, Temperance materializes the results of this period. When a some Tarot Card is reversed, its energy is blocked 3. Upright: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose. Reversed: Imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment. The forces behind it are those that keep us from giving in to temptation or over-indulgence and from developing unhealthy addictions or behaviors. 23k followers . Temperance Card Upright meaning: Temperance, number XIV, comes after the change of status made by the nameless Arcana(Death), the XIII Arcana. General meaning and interpretation (Upright) Whereas the Death card is usually the card people are terrified of, out of all of the cards in the deck, The Tower is the one you really need to brace yourself for. Like this card? Temperance tarot card, in its core, usually represents finding a peaceful, harmonious balance within yourself and handling any situation with grace. Neither force nor avoidance, neither excess nor lack. Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc. It is given the number 14 because the very first card (The Fool) is given the number 0. A reversed Tarot card is a card that is upside down in your card spread. The Five of Pentacles upright keywords are isolation, worry, poverty and financial lost. Temperance card in Tarot is saturated with real magic. Temperance represents the place where dualities are meet and merge. This is because this card symbolizes authority and tells you that it simply won’t back down. This is a time of blending and balance in your life as well. Tarot Major Arcana. Sometimes it can mean illegal things – theft, fraud. The figure stands with one foot on the ground and the other foot dips into a pool of water. On this card, there stands a winged angel which represents both a masculine and feminine figure. This card signifies a time of healing, reconciliation and regeneration. Homeostasis. Over the mountains drifts a brilliant crown encased in a gleaming light, an image of taking the Higher way and remaining consistent with one’s life reason and importance. The angel pictured in this card represents the need to stay grounded while also being flexible. Temperance Card in a Love or Career Reading Learn more about Temperance tarot card, one of the 22 major arcana tarot cards. About Dark Card Tarot Meanings . This will lead to deeper healing and harmony. Temperance Card Upright meaning: Temperance, number XIV, comes after the change of status made by the nameless Arcana(Death), the XIII Arcana. When a some Tarot Card is upright, its energy is free to reflect 2. Temperance is the fifteenth card in the Tarot Deck. The card is facing the wrong way, turned 180 degrees on its head. The Imagery and Symbolism of The Hermit Tarot Card. Keywords - Self-control, discipline, adaptability, virtue, moderation, change, evolution, harmony, balance, understanding. Temperance Tarot Card. The upright Tower refers to a period of chaos and destruction that will ultimately bring change and rebirth. Zodiacal Affinity - Sagittarius. In a reading focused on love, the Temperance card upright is always a good sign. TEMPERANCE CARD: GENERAL MEANING. Keywords for Temperance Upright: Moderation, harmony, healing, purification. Remain calm even when things are stressful and seem like they’re going awry. While Temperance upright can be seen as a gentle reminder to seek balance, reversed it’s more of a loud siren going off to alert you that things are off-kilter. the chariot tarot card meaning TAROT KEY MEANINGS Light Seer (Upright): determination, victory, speed and action, harnessing opposing forces and moving them in the same direction, success, travel, haste, confidence, power, being in control. The Devil Tarot Card as Intentions / What Someone Wants. If your client is in a relationship, this card the temperance tarot love is the best... Money and career (Upright). Major Arcana XIV. TEMPERANCE. Patience, reason, balance, harmony, balance, quiet, quietness, congruity, peacefulness. The Temperance tarot card with keywords, detailed descriptions, upright and reversed meanings ... Just like in upright meaning, Temperance reversed serves as a reminder on moderation. There are … She wears a light blue-coloured robe which symbolizes calmness, care, loyalty, wisdom, and heaven. A soft approach and compassionate heart overcome an obstacle. Category: Minor Arcana, Suit of Wands. You may need to find some balance and moderation, or reassess your goals. He wears armor decorated with crescent moons (representing what is coming into being), a tunic with a square (the strength of … Temperance Tarot One Card Meaning. Who wants to have fun here can find Meanings for each Tarot Cards. This Major Arcana card indicates that you have found your inner calm and have a good perspective on things. balance, peace, patience, moderation, calm, tranquillity, harmony, serenity. The Upright Position of the Temperance Tarot Card: Upright Temperance Tarot Card The Temperance Tarot card indicates that you are learning to bring balance, patience, and moderation to your life. This description is based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.An angel, possibly Archangel Michael, stands by a river bank, pouring water between two chalices. blending. Temperance Tarot Card Meanings and Keywords: 14. Temperance Reversed Meaning. The Tower Tarot card represents chaos and destruction. Temperance. Temperance Keywords. The Temperance is the fourteenth card of the Major Arcana in occult Tarot decks. Temperance Upright Draw Keywords. Just make sure you’ve planned ahead. Especially when paired with the Lovers card, Temperance is one of the most promising Major Arcana cards that can fall in a love reading. Temperance represents harmony, meaning a peaceful and beneficial relationship is on the horizon. Two of Swords tarot card and Astrology. The phrase, “shades of grey” is an excellent analogy for the Temperance card. Temperance is the arcane number 14 of the Tarot. Card Name: Two of Wands, Two of Staves. Keywords also add to our internal database of Tarot knowledge. You can also check out my blog to read about different tarot decks you can get for the best readings. In a One Card Tarot reading, Temperance is a very positive card. Reversed. This card was numbered VI or VII in the oldest Italian card decks before reaching its stable fourteenth position. Temperance Tarot Card Description. In the meantime, I hope you will be able to start reading tarot straight out of the box with these keywords and spreads. Things are well balanced and the general outlook is positive. As you look into the card, you will notice that it emits a domineering aura. The Temperance Tarot Card Description. The angel Gabriel combines Water, Fire, and deity in the same figure on the Temperance Tarot card. UPRIGHT: The Temperance card denotes balance, harmony and moderation. … A reversed card is also called “negative polarity.”. Explore the other … Upright Keywords: multitasking, resourcefulness, weighing options, relocation or travel Reversed Keywords: chaos, need for reprioritization, inability to commit Now that we have the visual elements and keywords down, the time has come to move to the card’s meaning and interpretations in different readings. A few opposite cards to the Temperance Tarot card. In many Old Italian decks, the Temperance card also appeared in the 6 th or 7 th position. Temperance Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords. Temperance Keywords. General meaning and interpretation (Upright) . Below you have a table of contents to find the Tarot cards … Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Temperance tarot card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, first a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Major Arcana card. My FREE Book on tarot Card Meanings true to … Upright. Dimitra Tsoupaki. Upright: Balance, Health, Harmony, Peace Reversed: Imbalance, Exhaustion, Disturbance, Excess. Reversed card (keywords): Exile, Loneliness, Misfit, Sadness, Withdrawing from loved ones. Another meaning of this card is mixing and combining different approaches to create a ‘harmonious whole’. All 78 cards in the Tarot deck can be placed and read in their reversal. Keywords for Temperance Reversed: Disharmony excess, instability impatience. Astrologically, the Temperance card is associated with the planet Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius or the planet Saturn and the sign of Capricorn. healing. Minor Arcana Two of Wands is one of the most difficult Tarot cards in reading. Key Expressions - Fusion of ideas, moderation as the key to success in various areas of … The Temperance tarot card signifies peace, harmony, balance, patience, and healing. After all the difficulties felt due to having to question and abandon parts of your past life, the winged woman encourages you to make the most of your new situation, calmly, harmoniously and sustainably. Temperance Tarot Card Meaning. Each partner has the ability to be their own self within the relationship. 1. Pleasing each other is natural and need no effort. Keywords associated with the Temperance Tarot Card. Nothing is eternal, in the words of the Ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, “No one bathes twice in the same river.” The message of the Two of Pentacles Tarot card indicates that there are only so many things we can regulate. In a general context, the Temperance Tarot card signifies balance, peace, patience and moderation. The moon tarot card meaning upright reversed keywords guide The moon tarot card meaning is self discovery and the path of awareness. XV Devil Tarot Card Meaning . On this card, there stands a winged angel which represents both a masculine and feminine figure. Tarot Cards. Keywords for Temperance Upright: Moderation, harmony, healing, purification. Upright Keywords. Card 2 - Temperance An androgynous angel is the first thing you see on the Rider-Waite Temperance card; the angel’s appearance suggests an equilibrium between the sexes. The Emperor Tarot Upright Meaning. Reversed Keywords. moderation. Avoid being fixated on things that will interfere with your mindset and your spiritual value. This card wants you to adopt patience, balance, harmony and bring some temperance in life. Being handed an Eight of Pentacles tarot card in a reading should provide reassurance that one's hard work is paying off.. Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings. Skip to Reversed Meaning. The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning – Love, Money, Career, and Health. Upright meaning keywords: Religious beliefs, traditional values, commitment, religion, institutions, conformity. She knows the exact blend needed for any situation which may arise. Connect with your long term goals and see if you are still in alignment with them. Upright: Patience, divine purpose, moderation or voluntary self-restraint. The Hermit Tarot Card Keywords. Skip to Upright Meaning. Temperance represents Balance / Harmony / Equality / Moderation / Middle Path / Peace / Uniting / Coordination / Resolution / Blending Opposites / Healing Let’s look at the picture below of Temperance. Balance, moderation, good health, cooperating with others, finding solutions. With this list of Tarot cards with pictures and meanings, you will be doing powerful and accurate Tarot readings in no time!It includes a list of all 78 Tarot cards with their pictures and keywords for upright and reversed interpretation. Tarot Card: Temperance Planet: Jupiter Keywords: Synthesis, Moderation, Purpose, Spiritual Growth, Virtue Affirmation: I Am Balanced And Calm Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius As A Yes Or No Question: Yes Key Dates: November 23 To December 21 Upright: Balance, Moderation, Good Health, Cooperating With Others, Finding Solutions Practice the Temperance tarot card reading and meanings from this quick and helpful video from The Simple Tarot. Bonus affirmations. Upright: Balance, Moderation, Good Health, Cooperating With Others, Finding Solutions. This card depicts a man sitting under a tree, leaning his back on the tree’s trunk. This card also indicates you to work on your emotions and keep your calm in every situation. The star tarot card offers a stark contrast to the bleak scenery of the previous arcanum (the Tower).The first in a succession of three major arcana named after celestial bodies, the Star heralds the first steps in the final path leading to enlightenment, where all the lessons of the previous major arcana start to fuse together to make sense of the world. Temperance is about rectifying extremes, always trying to find the comfortable middle. Temperance is a more likely yes in a yes/no question. Temperance tarot card as feelings speaks of well-being within the seeker. The Seeker needs to execute strong boundaries to keep their heaven within, or they could start attracting toxic people. Temperance speaks of love that brings the best out in the Seeker. The real meaning of the Temperance card can be deciphered using the other cards in the spread to identify areas where this imbalance is being caused. A slight distance in front of him stands three cups, and an arm brought by a cloud offers him a cup. The meaning of the Temperance tarot card both upright and reversed in readings on love, relationships, career, people, personalities and more. What does the Eight of Pentacles tarot card mean? What does the upright Temperance taro… Consider taking a holistic approach towards your health. Upright Tarot Card. General Meaning This guy seems to be a very important figure in the play of the tarot cards. The “Jester” card is not successful in matters of career and work, it means failure. Horoscopes. This is your own easy-to-use interpretation dictionary of the Tarot Rider Waite!. When the angel of Temperance graces your reading, take it as a positive omen and embrace the natural flow of life. Temperance Tarot Card Meaning Upright. You manage to close all old questions, bring life to a new level, and also help others (уour rating rises in the eуes of societу). It is the Major Arcana card of sudden upheaval and unexpected change. Rider waite tarot card meanings pdf Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords balance, peace, patience, moderation, calm, tranquillity, harmony, serenity imbalance, excess, extremes, discord, recklessness, hastiness Skip to Upright Meaning Skip to Reversed Meaning On the Temperance card, there is an angel with wings, whose gender is not immediately obvious, which suggests … She knows just how much of each Element is needed in the mix to create the desired effect (the right combination for success). The Sacred Isle Tarot is a truly stunning series of 22 paintings. Two of Swords is the tarot card for compromise, passiveness, keeping the peace (as in not rocking the boat), stalemate, indecision, and avoiding conflict. The Temperance tarot card in an upright position is a sound card for these kinds of tarot readings. An angel, with wings outstretched, pours water from one cup into another. It advises you to avoid extreme circumstances and take the mid-way. In the picture below, you see what a reversed card looks like. In a career context, it is a very great opportunity to set goals as … Upright Devil Tarot Love Meaning. Temperance (“Tempérance” in French) is the fourteenth Major Arcana tarot card.This is the first tarot angel of the deck. Temperance in reversed is a reflection of something that is out of balance and may be causing stress and anxiety. The real meaning of the Temperance card can be deciphered using the other cards in the spread to identify areas where this imbalance is being caused. An imbalance can take many forms; lack of progress, inability to … Reversed: Imbalance, Discord, Hastiness, Overindulgence, Risky Behavior. By SG Leave a Comment. Description. She wears a light blue-coloured robe which symbolizes calmness, care, loyalty, wisdom, and heaven. The Strength card is typically the eighth card of the Major Arcana, but it can also be numbered 11 (switching places with the Justice card). Moles on Face; Moles on Body; Healing & Meditation. The Temperance Card (Upright) For Health:- Moderation in eating habits and the daily routine regime will bring a major change in your lifestyle. The Temperance indicates a new fondness for workout and jogging which anyway will keep your health stable and alright. Reversed: excessive, un-balanced. She stands for balance, equilibrium, harmony and moderation which in turn brings a sense of inner peace. Major Arcana; Suits of Cups; Suits of Wands; Suits of Swords; Suits of Pentacles; Moles Interpretation. Its crown is humble, because it doesn't need to flaunt its power or rank. The Temperance card features an angel who is an imposing presence and … The spilled liquid is the essence of life, just as the past flows into the future through the present. The pentacles in tarot card readings are all represented with coins with pentacles in them and are … There is no need for pretence. In less serious circumstances, it can also just simply mean a pursuit for all of life’s earthly pleasures. Temperance Upright Keywords: balance, moderation, self-knowledge, assessing your needs, seeking peace. Consider that уou are in a fairу tale, because the daу is filled with new achievements, discoveries, meetings and incredible events. The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You Reversed, the Temperance card indicates that this person perceives you to be quite an impulsive or unpredictable person. Even if you do not believe in Spirituality, you do believe in your deep guts feeling. Temperance tarot card can mean: Upright: Balance, harmony, and equilibrium. What are the keywords for the Five of Pentacles tarot card? Temperance in reversed is a reflection of something that is out of balance and may be causing stress and anxiety. 1+4=5, Five is a number of changes, and adaptability, adventure, freedom, and also conflict. Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings: The search for stability is a constant struggle. After the revolution entailed by the previous Major Arcana card, Temperance is able to restore peace and serenity. Major Arcana Cards. Read on to dive deep into the meaning and symbolism of … Temperance Tarot card Love & Relationships (Upright) If you’re in a relationship, the Temperance Tarot card is one of the best cards you can get in a love Tarot reading. Keywords for Temperance Reversed: Disharmony excess, instability impatience. Tarot Card Meanings / Major Arcana / Temperance Tarot Card. The Sun Tarot Card Keywords - Upright and Reversed.

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temperance tarot card upright card keywords