honduran words and phrases

Since our documents are highly technical (and confidential) in nature, we obviously need exact translation using highly specialized terminology. I just want to say that my experience was really great. Before traveling to either country, having a basic understanding of common phrases, quick hits . 7) Alero. Imported from England and Ireland, when the pirates and corsairs possessed these lands, when they attacked the ships of the Spanish Empire. Contact us live NOW without any obligations. Its geographical location is between the western departments of Honduras, as they are: Lempira, Intibuc, La Paz, also they are in smaller quantity in the central departments of Santa Barbara, Comayagua Department, Francisco Morazn Department and Valley. Andar hule: Andar con poco dinero o sin nada / broke, no money. We have developed, over the past 16 years, an amazing full efficient project management system that we adjust monthly to offer the most efficient service on the planet. Be it a large task or a small one, we would be happy to be involved. adjectives. I jump on chat and get connected to a very nice lady by the name of Cornelia. With the help of our services, you will get quality assistance at any time of the day or night. Are you looking for "daily-life" words or something specific? Maje. There is something scary about going to a place where no one knows you. But Vaya Pues also tells someone that you are listening to them like 'uh-huh' or 'right!'. Naturally, I choose Universal Translation Services for the low price of $20. It is said to measure about 4,000 miles in circumference. Universal Translation Services is proud to offer universal language services to all its clients. Qu bueno!Quedarse quedito: Guardar silencioRapidito: Transporteurbano en San Pedro Sula, Reventar cuetes: Jugar con juegos pirotcnicosy de plvoraRigio: Grandes ganas de jugar o haceralgo. The quotes I received from multiple companies ranged from $20 to $180. In the twenty-first edition, in 1992, there were 302. incl lesser-known languages. Sorry! Which is why we need help to communicate with each other. 4) La riata = Someone who does nothing ( to get a job, homework, tidy up the hose) We regularly charge per word but talk to us as maybe we can give you a better price. The service is fast and afforable. / how much is it?A mil: A toda velocidad / at full speedA pata: Caminando, a pie / walking (to)A todo mecate: A toda velocidad / at full speedA vuelta de rueda: Extremadamente despacio / going really slowAcabado: Sin dinero / broke, no moneyAgarrado: Avaro, tacao / cheap (person)Agarrar para.. Dirigirse a../ go toAgevado: Avergonzado / ashamedAhi nos vidrios: Despedida, de "ahi nos vemos" / see you laterAndar a pincel: Andar sin vehculo, a pi / walkingAndar aguja, o andar ylet: Andar con mucho cuidado / being careful Andar buzo: Andar alerta buscando algo / being alertAndar con filo: Tener hambre / hungryAndar hule: Andar con poco dinero o sin nada / broke, no moneyAndar piano: Andar con mucho cuidado / being carefulAnimala: Cosa / thingApuntarse: Acompaar a otros, hacer lo mismo / join, Bajar: Robar, quitar / steal, takeBarajarla ms despacio: Explicar con ms detalles / request more detailsBemba: Hocico, jeta / mouth, Bembn: De labios protuberantes,gruesosBojote: Bulto, Bolo: BorrachoBolulo: Pan blanco (La Ceiba), Bote: Crcel, presidioBfalo: 50 centavos (en la zona norte)Burra: Almuerzo de la clase trabajadora:tortilla con frijoles, huevo, y otros ingredientesopcionales como carne, etc.Caite: Sandalia, Cachar: Atrapar, capturarCachimbear: GolpearCachimbo: En gran cantidadCacho: CuernoCachureco: Militante del Partido Nacional, Cagarse: Asustarse muchoCampechano: AmigableCanecho: CangrejoCanilla: PiernaCasabe: Hecho de yuca, Catracho: HondureoCatrn: Bien vestidoChabacn: Alguien muy bromistaChacaln: Camarn de roChafarote: Polica, soldado, Chainear: Limpiar, sacar brilloChamba: Empleo, trabajoChambear: TrabajarChambn: Tarea mal hecha o mal acabada/ Alguien que no hace bien las cosas, Champa: Casa, techoChance: OportunidadCharamusca: Postre, refresco congelado en unabolsa plstica (en zona centro sur)Chascada: Porcin adicional que se recibegratis, Chepa: PolicaChepear: Copiar en un examenCheto: Muchacha bonita y provocativaChibola: Pelota, balnChich: Beb, Chign: Nio pequeoChilillo: Vara muy fina y flexible para castigara los niosChimar: RozarChimba: Arma de fuego de fabricacincaseraChimbo: Recipiente (cilindro) paraalmacenar gases a presin, China: Muchacha que cuida los cipotesChingar: Molestar, fastidiarChingo: Corto, pantaloncito cortoChinola: Betn para limpiar zapatosChiri: Batalln, ejrcito, Chiripn: Por buena suerteChivo: Juego de dadosChoco: Que no mira bienChola: CasaChoya: Pereza, desnimo, Chunche: CosaChotear: Darse cuenta, sorprender a alguienChua: DescalzoChupar: Beber licor, Chutear: PatearCinquito: Cinco centavosCipote: Nio, muchachoCoco: Inteligente, Codo: Avaro, tacaoCoger: Hacer el amorColarse: Entrar a un sitio sin serinvitado o sin pagarCon las antenas paradas: Escuchandoatento en forma disimulada, Conchudo: Abusivo, aprovechadoCoronela: Sobrenombre del Toyota LandCruiser, Coyote: IntermediarioCuchumbo: Fiesta o reunin donde seintercambian regalos en forma aleatoria; HomosexualCuero: Muchacha bonita, con buen cuerpoCumbo: Recipiente para llevar agua, Cususa: Aguardiente clandestinoCute: Buitre, zopiloteCutear: VomitarDaime: 20 centavos, Dar el palo: Romper una relacin sentimental olaboralDar en el clavo: AcertarDrselas de.. Presumir de..De cajn: ObvioDe seguro: Seguramente, Dejar cuche: Dejar a alguien atrapado obloqueadoDeschambado: Sin empleo, desempleadoDesmangado: A toda velocidadDespupusado: A toda velocidad, Dos cuetazos: RpidoDundo: AtontadoElote: Mazorca de maiztiernoEncaramar: Subir, Encachimbado: EnojadoEnculado: EnamoradoEnsuciar: Hacer hecesEstanco: Cantina, Estar hasta los queques: Estar muycomprometido, endeudado, o sin tiempo disponibleFicha: Centavo; algo depoco valorFilo: HambreFinca: Complejo de produccin agrcolaFondearse: Dormirse, Fregado: Un tipoFregar: Entorpecer / Lavar los platosFresco: Refresco embotelladoGallo: Bueno, expertoGrueso: Bastante, en gran cantidadGuacal: Recipiente hecho del fruto de lajcaraGuachimn: VigilanteGuarizama: MacheteGuaro: AguardienteGuevn: HaragnGicho: Sin o con pocos dientesGuineo: Banano (en la zona norte)Gir: Contraccin de "voy a ir"Girro: NioHacer chanchullo: HacertrampaHacer clavo: Denunciar, estorbarHacerse bolas: ConfundirseHacerse el fuerte: Lograr el objetivo oquedarse con las cosas abusando de los demsHacerse el loco: Presumir ignoranciaHasta el copete: HartoHecho porra: Desanimado, enfermo,cansadoHijo de papi y mami: Hijo de ricosHule: Con poco o nada de dinero, Ir hecho un cuete: Irexcesivamente rpidoIrse a la chingada: Irse lejosJaln: AventnJuma: Borrachera, Jura: Batalln, EjrcitoLa Compaa: En lamayora de los casos se refiere a la Tela Railroad Co. (Chiquita)o a la Standard Fruit Co. (Dole) que operan muchos camposbananeros en la costa norteLa mera riata: La mxima autoridadLa riata: Inepto, haragn, Llanta: Rollito de grasa que se forma en lacintura de la gente gordaLempira: Moneda nacionalLos Campos: Los campos bananeros en lacosta norteMacaneo: Escndalo, ria, Macanudo: Muy buena persona, excelenteMachangai: Camin de transporte para lagente pobre (zona norte)Maje: TontoMamo: Crcel, Manudo: Que recin a aprendido amanejarMara: PandillaMarimbazo: GolpeMaritates: Pertenencias, Marranada: Cosa inservibleMandadito: DcilMate: Amago, amenazaMayugado: Algo aplastado, Mecate: Soga, fabricada con fibravegetalMentar la madre: InsultarMeter la pata: Cometer una indiscrecin,un errorMnimo: Banano (en la zona centro sur), Minuta: Helado hecho con hielo picado y jarabede saboresMaules: Canicas, pelotitas de vidrioNacha o Natacha: TrabajadoraDomsticaNovelear: Andar distrado y no en lo que sedebeObrar: Hacerheces, Paila: Automoviltipo pick-upPajas: Bromas, inventosPajearse: No hacer nadaPalillona: Muchacha vistosamente ataviada queencabeza los desfiles, llevando "palillos" obastones, Pandear: DoblarPapa: Comida, almuerzoPapada: Cosa, asuntoPapo: Tonto, Pasada: AncdotaPatats: La muertePatn: De pie grandePedo: Asunto o problema. The Tawahkas call their language Twanka, which shows a similarity to the name that, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Spaniards gave the Indians of the Guayape-Guayambre area: tahuajcas. more. I got a perfect layout back and very fast. Our offices in the USA are open during business hours and you can visit us at our offices in order to drop in your documents. To that end. Their language is Creole English. A collection of useful phrases in Garifuna, an Arawakan language I have placed an order and paid for certified translation of my birth certificate. The word for Honduran slang is caliche. They are very professional and they respond promptly to every e mail and phone call. Theres a general culture in the Spanish-speaking world, as well as subcultures in each country that speaks Spanish. I am so happy that I found this website because the whole experience was great. I received the finalized and certified copy in my email in minutes. adjective. For a lot of people, the dream is to uproot their life from one place and start afresh in a new country. 5 casaca/casaquero: lie/lier - you are really lier- Tu si eres casaquero You can also find a translation company Aventura. Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = It is because of the hard work of the linguistic experts that the world hasnt become a huge war zone. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. Thanks for using the site - I hope it is useful to you! Some of the languages are currently extinct (and here they are marked with the sign ). They seem to have a lot of experience and they really deliver service. I created these free speech and language worksheets so you can easily download and print them out to use as part of your speech therapy program. They were more than willing to retranslate it and it turned out amazing! what type of Spanish does honduras speak ? I passed the Spanish test. Thats cool! Certainly, you have to be really good at languages that you use, but getting an accurate translation at a professional level is the main thing. The updated document was sent to me via chat for review and it was correct. So just as you'd say "man, don't worry about it", that word "man" could be substituted for "chico" - and you'd say "chico, no te preocupes por eso". Whats up Buenas noches. But sometimes we require a service that we had never needed in our life before. So you think you'll go to Cuba, hang out in the Streets, and not learn some Cuban Curse Words? I recommend them. Buenos das. They have lost their language and have adopted the Spanish language. I am very happy with the work done by UTS! A combination of the internet, Gen Z teens and popular culture has contributed to an influx of new - and often confusing - slang terms. 4 alero: friend - he is my friend - el es mi alero Mera pija something really cool , A) These words are not offensive: Vos an informal second person singular pronoun of you used among close friends and with people that share the same level, such as among siblings. They are located on the northern coast of Honduras. It simple means 'money', the standard word in Spanish being 'dinero'. When I needed urgent translation for my diploma and birth certificate, UTS send it to me the next day, no extra rush fees. There will be no need to avoid business deals because of language restrictions. My wife needed to get her Mexican Bachelors and Specialty Degrees translated for a job interview and Universal Translation Services gave us a quote via email within an hour. I found myself in the position that I needed two certified translations, and I needed them quickly for a time sensitive matter. The top 4 are: guatemalan, salvadoran, mexican and nicaraguan. Another advantage in using a US translation company is that you also have the option to have your translation sent to you by regular mail, and youll receive it faster. Phrases with Honduran. Numbers | Click on a word above to view its definition. "What's up" Maje. La penn n'dayaan. Although what they sell are called services but in reality, they only serve their own interests. It may have been moved, or removed altogether. 4. In order to help the community whenever they are facing a language issue, we have built an office in the city. But what made me very happy was that I was able to resolve the issue quickly and painlessly. He has written for Fodors, Yahoo!, Sports Illustrated, Telemundo, and Villa Experience, among other brands of print and digital media in Europe and North America. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080524205126AAn7FSn In Spanish, every country has its own slang words, which is how we have Mexican slang, Central American slang, and, yes, Honduran slang. We offer highly accurate translation services at competitive rates in the US. Like many other countries around the world, football (soccer) is the most popular sport in Honduras. Ma Xyama prarthi chu. Cunto cuesta..? Recommended, Couldn't be more hapier about my certified translation, nice staff and open even late in the evening which is great, Great translation service into English from Hebrew and the best priced I could find, They translated for me a document from Swedish into English. Don't think.". With numerous specialized translation departments, you can expect no less than a premium output. Misunderstandings between nations and communities would have been common. The school results were translated perfectly and also maintained the correct format. We work with over 3,000 professional translators, we are able to provide translations from and into over 120 languages and we deal with 550 language combinations, so you can rest assured that no matter the language of your document, we will provide an accurate translation for it. Another way to say Honduran? Our clients are our main priority which is why our team understands their different needs. This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. It is only with the help of these experts that our earth continues to be a better place and we get to find solutions for communication problems easily. Maje is the most Honduran of Honduran slang words. Thank you for delivering the translation so fast. 2) Macizo = cool Our team of translators along with our web specialists are ready to take your website and your business to the next level trough efficient internationalization. Regardless of the type of your documents such as birth certificates, educational transcripts, immigration papers, marriage papers to divorce agreements or any sort of document can easily be translated into another language fast and secure by using our expert online translation services. 4) Mera pija = something really cool, @Josa_Arias Jajaja, creo que en vez de decir "Bonita" diran "Pije culo", @0k_Stayalive jajajajajaja siiiii que pije culo esa maje, @ruthieannie98 Me vale verga I dont care o Sos pije pajero You are a huge liar o Qu pedo. Language can often be perceived in the same way where one's ability to speak a language associated with Europe, like English, may convey status. |"Sos pije pajero" "You are a huge liar" "Sos la maceta" "Sos la verga" "You are lazy" "Sos pendejo" "You are a dumb . Same day delivery, accurate translation, and great prices, what else can we ask for. Carlos is my best friend. Like companies, the names of some countries also get the same response from people. My friend Gerardo is Honduran. I just recently requested a new translation because I loved the quality and price the first time. 1) Sos pije pajero = you are a huge liar If you have worked with one then you would know that they dont always operate the way you want them to. They provide 24/7 support and prices are good, I asked for a certified translation from Hebrew to English. Certified copy in my email in minutes about 4,000 miles in circumference its definition to a place where no knows... 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honduran words and phrases