lithuanian goddess names

The Gods have provided us with a robust privacy and cookie policy which all mortals are advised to read. A few more Lithuanian baby girl names for your shortlist: Beata Daiva Emilija Gabija Goda Inesa Kamil Karolina Lidija Lja Marina Nijol Nina Paulina Renata Sandra Silvija Sofija Tamara Urt So, there you have it: 98 beautiful Lithuanian first names to choose from. Origin: Latin Meaning: Dawn Pronunciation: Ah-ROWR-ah Variations: Arora, Aurorah, Aurore LAIMA : Lithuanian name meaning "luck." In mythology, this is the name of a goddess of fortune. Aitvaras, Alka, Aspelenie, Avieniai, Asvinia, Asviniai, Aurin, Ausrine, Austja, Austeja, Austerine, Deivas, Deywis, Dievas, Dievs, Dimste, Dimstipatis, Diviriks, Gabeta, Gabieta, Gabija, Gabjauja, Gabjaujas, Gabjaujis, Gabjieta, Ganiklis, Gardaitis, Gardeoldiis, Giltin, Giltine, Giraitis, Giuoitos, Gyvat, Gyvate, Kalvaitis, Kalvelis, Kaukas, Kaupol, Kaupolis, Kauriraris, Kawas, Kelio Dievas, Keliu Dievas, Keli Dievas, Keliukis, Kielu Dziewos, Kovas, Kremata, Krumine, Krmin, Kupole, Kupol, Laim, Laime, Laimos Juosta, Lasdona, Laukosargas, Lauksargis, Laums, Laumes, Lazdona, Linksmine, Medeina, Medeine, Medein, Medziojima, Medziojna, Meidein, Meidene, Menulis, Mnuo, Menuo, Milda, Perkana, Perknas, Perkunas, Pilnytis, Pilunitus, Pilunytis, Pilunytis, Piluvytis, Pilvyt, Pilvytis, Praamimas, Praamius, Praamzius, Pramans, Pramimas, Ragana, Ragutenapati, Ragutiene, Ragutiene Pati, Ragutis, Rasa, Raugo empatis, Raugupatis, Raugupatis, Rauguzemapatis, Rugiu Boba, Ruguczis, Rugutis, Rgutis, Samanelis, Saul, Saule, Sietas, Sietimas, Sietynas, Sietynlis, Siliniets, Silinytis, Vaiva, Vaigantas, Vaizgantas, Veliuona, Velnias, Vielona, Zaltys, Zemepatis, Zemininkas, Zemyna, Zvaigzdes, Zvoruna, altys, emepatis, emyna, vaigds, vorna, vorn. Gabija, the foster of the Holy Fire, a goddess, a daughter of Dievas ("dievait"). The name means 'Glory of God'. Egl only discovers the betrayal days later, when she speaks the chant, and finds nothing but bloody foam. The Godchecker Holy Database currently contains 146 Lithuanian deity names these are listed below. In Lithuanian tradition, emyna is the mate or wife of Perknas. The Godchecker Holy Database currently contains 146 Lithuanian deity names these are listed below. Mikinis, Girinis God of the forest. "Lietuvi ems deivs vardai" [The Lithuanian names of the Goddess of the Earth]. Spirit of the woodlands. God sent a swallow, which managed to steal the fire. It contains mentionings about Prussian religion and the center of Baltic religion Romuva, where lives Kriwe-Kriwajto as a powerful priest who was held in high regard by the Prussians, Lithuanians, and Balts of Livonia. Lithuanian common nouns or hydronyms used as names. [35] Martynas Mavydas in 1547 in his Catechism urged to abandon cult of empatis. 1. Learn to recognize name variations and see clues in names. [10], In 1883, Edmund Veckenstedt published a book Die Mythen, Sagen und Legenden der Zamaiten (Litauer) (English: The myths, sagas and legends of the Samogitians (Lithuanians)).[11]. Teliavelis/Kalevelis a smith-god or the god of roads. The cosmogonic myths of celestial bodies: Vaida Kamuntaviien (2015). The next period of Lithuanian mythology started in the 15th century, and lasted until approximately the middle of the 17th century. A child in Lithuania is usually given one or two given names. Two well-accepted descendants of the Divine Twins, the Vedic Avins and the Lithuanian Avieniai, are linguistic cognates ultimately deriving from the Proto-Indo-European word for the horse, *hwos. [24][25] Like the Greek Dioscuri Castor and Pollux, it is a mytheme of the Divine twins common to the Indo-European mythology. Boy. Like many pagan beliefs, the Baltic religion was founded around nature. Andajus (Andajas, Andojas) was mentioned in chronicles as the most powerful and highest god of Lithuanians. Perknas, the Thunder, the main god. The first volume contained a description of Lithuanian mythology. [22][23], Dievo sneliai (the "sons of Dievas") Avieniai, pulling the carriage of Saul (the Sun) through the sky. Javascript is switched off in your browser. Read Chapter 18 from the story The Ninth Goddess (In Rigel) by alexwolf089 (Bloodyxharm) with 26 reads. 1555 Woodcut of people praying with two altars, one with a snake and one with fire. Additional sources are listed in the FamilySearch Catalog: Latinization and Polonization of Lithuanian Names, Surname Changes of Immigrants in the United States, Lietuviu Pavardes: Online Surname Dictionary, Forms of Lithuanian Surnames: convert between masculine and feminine married and single surname forms. Surnames of unmarried women end in the suffix -t while surnames of married women end in the suffix -ien. Collection and recording of folklore began in the 19th century, by which time the pagan mythology had become fragmented and mixed with Christian traditions. During the early 20th Century, especially the World War I era, surname changes are recorded more frequently, as immigrants or, more often, their children, tried to adopt more neutral surnames. Bakshis Bakshish is a popular Lithuanian name meaning 'fighter' or 'boxer'. Very cool. I suppose a god running across the sky wouldnt be quite as impactful and noble as a carriage ride. Pleasantly surprised, and more than a little relieved, Egl finds that she enjoys the mans company, despite circumstances. names of Lithuanian pagan deities and mythological figures. Quite an occupation for a goddess. With multiple interchangeable parts and accessories, in an elegant red and green color scheme, the display possibilities are endless! Wear down a pair of iron shoes. Many of Ireland's wells and waterways were devoted to her. Immigrants often changed their surnames to sound more American. I cover the travel and myth/legend posts. It relates to Thracian Zemele (mother earth), Greek Semel (). the expression austi korius 'to weave honeycombs;' Jrat from the name of an old Lithuanian mythological . It became main source for research of Prussian mythology and one of the main sources of Lithuanian mythology researchers and reconstructors. Almost all authors of Renaissance - J. Dlugosz, M. Stryjkowski, J. Lasicki, M. Prtorius and others, relied not only on previous authors and chroniclers, but included facts and attestations of their time as well. Sculpture of the goddess Jrat in the Lithuanian village of Jurata. emyna personifies the fertile earth and nourishes all life on earth, human, plant, and animal. Researchers suggests that she and vrin (vorn) could have been worshipped as the same goddess. Egle Jokbas - a masculine Lithuanian name connected to both the names Jacob and James. Wanda - German girl name that means "wanderer" Winifred - Welsh, English, means "white, fair, blessed" or "reconciliation, peace" Pin our list of old lady names for your baby girl to save it for later. Prior to 1900, formal surname changes documented in local court records are relatively rare. So weve found the two most popular Lithuanian folk stories. In Lithuanian mythology, Mnuo, the moon, has the abovementioned adulterous relationship with Aurin. Later researchers Teodor Narbutt, Simonas Daukantas and Jonas Basanaviius relied on his work. 11. Lithuanian male and female names are distinguished grammatically. One of the most beloved Celtic goddesses, Brigid was the the Irish goddess of spring, fertility, and life. Its also often alight, with either its head or even its whole body covered in flames. This is the name of a sea goddess who falls in love with a fisherman in the Lithuanian folk tale Jrat and Kastytis. emyna personifies the fertile earth and nourishes all life on earth, human, plant, and animal. Jrat f Lithuanian. To read more about the history of surnames, see the article Lithuanian Names. [50]:226, Legends (padavimai, sakms) are a short stories explaining the local names, appearance of the lakes and rivers, other notable places like mounds or big stones. Contrary to popular belief, this change was not made at Ellis Island. Many stories of this kind reflect actual historical events. princess, kingdoms, celestial. (from the Lithuanian words mikas, giria meaning forest).. Simon Grunau was the author of Preussische Chronik, written sometime between 1517 and 1529. Matthus Prtorius in his two-volume Deliciae Prussicae oder Preussische Schaubhne, written in 1690, collected facts about Prussian and Lithuanian rituals. Therefore, the academic opinion on the list ranges from a valuable resource to a practical joke designed to poke fun of Christian saints through an inverted mirror. The Baltics were the last pagan nations in Europe to Christianize, between the 14th and 15th centuries. Surnames may also have been translated outright into English, sometimes with a slight twist. 14. . Jonas - the most common boy's name in Lithuania, it is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan. If you know any myths, legends, folktales or god-myths that should be added, let us know! Jun 28, 2015 - Explore Andi Maroncelli's board "Lithuanian Gods", followed by 109 people on Pinterest. Diese unglaubliche 2 Oz Silbermnze zeigt die Ehefrau und Schwester von Osiris, Mutter von Horus und ein Symbol der Strke und Weiblichkeit: die gyptische Gttin Isis. He was associated with Venus, and with both Mness and Saule, the moon and the sun. 12th century Muslim geographer al-Idrisi in The Book of Roger mentioned Balts as worshipers of Holy Fire and their flourishing city Madsun (Mdshn, Mrsunh, Marsna). The system of polytheistic beliefs is reflected in Lithuanian tales, such as Jrat and Kastytis, Egl the Queen of Serpents and the Myth of Sovij. Shes depicted as a beautiful, and sometimes nude, woman with a chariot pulled by doves as her favourite mode of transportation. Aitvaras are family guardians, and can bring a lot of good fortune and happiness when they get attached. This most magical of Latin girl names can bring some of that ancient Roman lore into your little girl's life. They wont betray him though, until the frightened young daughter gives in and tells them the chant. Worse, he chains the goddess to the ruins, leaving her there to mourn her loss for eternity. I'm a maths tutor and a mechanical engineering student with a long time-interest in history. The remainder of the pantheon includes a god of bees, of milk, the sea, farming, beer (thats a real favourite of mine), and fire. A protector. But Laums are temperamental, and can punish rude or disrespectful men. without associated rituals. These deities were secretly worshiped by King of Lithuania Mindaugas after his baptism. 1. Zhyden povs: Tumigil. Non-Iranian Origin of the Eastern-Slavonic God Xrs/Xors" [Neiranskoe proishodenie vostonoslavjanskogo Boga Hrsa/Horsa]. She is depicted as extremely thin and pale, usually wearing white. Like many ancient civilizations, the Romans worshipped a dawn goddess who flies across the sky each morning to herald the arrival of the Sun. A very popular name even today, Milda is the Lithuanian goddess of love and freedom (any takers for Giltine as a baby name? Along with the goddess Laima, he is responsible for world order and the fate of humankind. most common tree to be struck by lightning, Local folktales and legends around the world, Mongolian mythology | Gods & legends of the nomadic tribes, Greek desserts | 8 Incredible pastries to try in Athens. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. St. Isidore, illustrious tiller of the soul, pray for us. The symbols [ ] enclose the author's name and a page number for a reference cited from the following books: [Ahsian, pp.] [13][14], Italian linguist Vittore Pisani along with his research of Baltic languages, studied Lithuanian mythology. If deciding to meet Ragana, you mustn't surprise her. Dievas, also called Dievas senelis ('old man God'), Dangaus Dievas ('the God of heaven') - the supreme sky god. Origin: Lithuanian Estera Meaning: Star Origin: Lithuanian Gabija Meaning: Refers to hide or protect Origin: Lithuanian Galiza Meaning: Goddess of fire Origin: Lithuanian Goca Meaning: Dignified one or proud Origin: South Slavic Janina Meaning: God is gracious Origin: Polish Karolina Meaning: Feminine Origin: Lithuanian Kamile Meaning: Sacrifice In the beginning of the 20th century Micha Pius Rmer noted - "Lithuanian folklore culture having its sources in heathenism is in complete concord with Christianity". Like various other goddesses in the Baltic, aspects of the earth mother were integrated into the cult of the Virgin Mary after Christianisation. The forces of good and evil have often been considered too intertwined to be anything but related! While Dievas rules over and represents air, light and fire, Vilnius represents the chthonic (subterranean/underworld) elements of earth and water. [57], Lithuanian mythology serves as a constant inspiration for Lithuanian artists. Surviving information about Baltic mythology in general is fragmented. Of course, there are many more Baltic gods and goddess, but these are the primary figures. She then turns her three sons into mighty trees, an oak, an ash, and a birch tree. Jurgis - originating from the name George, this Lithuanian name refers to a gorgeous person. This 18-page treatise contained a lists of 76 Lithuanian gods with brief description of their functions. Giltine Goddess of death. Ragana can appear as a beautiful woman, a frightening creature or even an animal. 13. The list contained very minor deities, representing everyday household items. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". She is a goddess that resides in the forest just like Baba Yaga but doesn't have the well-known chicken legged hut like Baba Yaga. Understanding customs used in surnames and given names can help you identify your ancestors in records. You can use the Forms of Lithuanian Surnames converter to easily determine the married/unmarried female forms of names. As the population increased, it became necessary to distinguish between individuals with the same name. Jurgis - originating from the name George, this Lithuanian name refers to a gorgeous person. "The Religious Faiths of Ruthenians and Old Lithuanians in the 17th Century According to the Records of the Catholic Church Visitations of the Vilnius Diocese". In Latvian myths, it is Saul that Auseklis is interested in (or, in some stories, her daughter). Origin: Ancient Greek name. Possibly derived from the name of the ancient city of Larisa in Thessaly, which meant "citadel". However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. He is also associated with the oak tree. Click on the Heart next to baby names to add name to your favourite list.Start adding your favourite names to create your list! Medeinas sacred animal is the hare when hunters in the forests saw a hare bounding past, they would apparently stop the chase, as this was a clear sign that Medeina was there to protect the forest, and could grow angry at their invasion. Interestingly, the arrival of Christianity brought about quite a change in perspective around these little fiends. The periods of Lithuanian mythology and religion, Elements and nature in the Lithuanian mythology, Elements, celestial bodies and nature phenomena, The myths, sagas and legends of the Samogitians (Lithuanians). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This product can only be purchased by members. The Lithuanian king Algirdas was even addressed as a "fire worshiper King of Lithuania" ( ) in the documents of a patriarch Nilus of Constantinople.[51]. It is a first recorded Baltic myth, also the first placed among myths of other nations Greek, Roman and others. For example: Most of the time the surname spelling changed to accommodate the. Benas m Lithuanian Short form of Benediktas or Benjaminas. The hierarchy of the gods depended also on social strata of ancient Lithuanian society.[17]. A very popular name even today, Milda is the Lithuanian goddess of love and freedom (any takers for Giltine as a baby name? Stories, songs, and legends of this kind describe laws of nature and such natural processes as the change of seasons of the year, their connections with each other and with the existence of human beings. The manuscript was written in German in the 16th century. [32], Medeina the goddess of forest and hunting. If youd like us to research and write about a particular place, get in touch! LIUDVIKA : Feminine form of Lithuanian Liudvikas, meaning "famous warrior." MARIJONA : Feminine form of Lithuanian Marijus , meaning "like Marius ." Lithuanian woman reached Vytautas the Great with plaints that they are losing their places of Dievas, the places where they prayed supreme god Dievas to withhold the Sun or rain. From Lithuanian jra meaning "sea". He listed 16 Lithuanian gods:[5], Jan asicki (Lasicius) was a Polish Protestant activist. Good luck making your decision. The names of the Baltic gods lt:Andajus, Perknas, lt:vorna, and a smith-god lt:Teliavelis are mentioned. Jrat decides to punish him, but when she sees the young mortal man, she falls instantly in love. The earliest written sources, authored by foreigners and Christians, only briefly mention the Lithuanian gods. Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. [36][37][38], vaigdikis (vaigdystis, vaigdukas, vaistikas) the god of the stars, powerful god of light, who provided light for the crops, grass and the animals. He idealised the culture of Prussians, considered it belonging to the culture of the Antique world. The brother of Dievas the creator god, Velnias is the counterbalance. [55], Grulo Ratai (also Grigo Ratai, Perkno Ratai, Veimas) (Ursa Major) was imagined as a carriage for the Sun which was travelling through the sky, Maieji Grulo Ratai (Ursa Minor) a carriage for the daughter of Sun. [39], Gabija (also known as Gabieta, Gabeta, Matergabija, Pelengabija) is the spirit or goddess of the fire. [5][pageneeded]. Youll notice that most of these gods have different names in Lithuania and Latvia, and a few small, clear differences. A material related to the Lithuanian spells was used by V. Ivanov and V. Toporov to restore the Indo-European myths. Please mention when praying to the Gods. Medeina Goddess of the forest. The author was a guest at coronation of Lithuanian king Mindaugas. She has features common to witch-myths, like a hideous appearance, spell-casting, and the ability to turn humans into toads, pigs, and other animals. More than these roles, though, Raganos are sages, seers and deities of the forest depths. Some of them are still in use among Lithuanians. 1584 Prussian depiction of the gods Perkunas, Potrimpo, and Peckols. Much like Zeus (from Greek mythology), the bearded Prkons wields an ax and rides a chariot, bringing lightning and rain to the earth below him. [20][21] Perknas is the assistant and executor of Dievas's will. It is descended from Proto-Indo-European *deiwos, "celestial" or "shining", from the same root as *Dyus, the reconstructed chief god of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. In Lithuanian fairy-tales recorded much later, there is very frequent opposition of kalvis ('smith') and velnias ('devil'). Goddesses in South Asia have many names and faces. List of Lithuanian gods and mythological figures, "List of Lithuanian gods and mythological figures", Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Prs ir lietuvi mirties (poemio, mirusij) dievybs: nuo Patulo iki Kaulinyios", "Laukpatis ir Dimstipatis. We have 59 individual gods listed in the Lithuanian pantheon of gods and spirits. [41], Laima (from Lithuanian: lemti 'to destine') or Laim is the destiny-giver goddess. Her domain is the regeneration of all life on earth, and she gives life, fertility and warmth to humanity. For example, if a man's surname was Degutis, his wife would have been known as Degutien, and their unmarried daughter would have the surname of Degutyt. Gabija Goddess of the hearth fire. If the settlement was placed at the river, then the deceased were buried in another side of the river. [53] Jerome of Prague was an ardent missionary in Lithuania, leading the chopping of the holy groves and desecration of Lithuanian sacred heathen places. It's not quite as popular). Much like the more well-known boogeyman, baubai live in dark parts of the house. First though, he instructs them all on how to call him from the sea, and swears them to secrecy. Thus the couple formed the typical Indo-European pair of mother-earth and father-sky. Do you love how joyful your baby girl is wishes for her all the joy in life? Perknas, the Thunder, a son of God ("dievaitis") (Parjanya in Hinduism). This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They shifted from helpful tricksters and guardian spirits to greedy demons. Saul rides through the sky every day in a chariot pulled by tireless horses. Which is the most common myth about the sun-deity in all of ancient Europe. Sculpture Egl the Queen of Serpents by Robertas Antinis in Palanga, Lithuania Image by GraceKelly. If the surname was short, easy to pronounce and/or uncomplicated, it may have stayed the same. Ceroklis - a fertility god, associated with agriculture and farmers, and cognate with Latin Ceres. Her myths have been very much conflated with Mary after the Christianization of the Baltic. This incredible 2 Oz Silver coin depicts the wife and sister of Osiris, mother of Horus and a symbol of strength and femininity: the Egyptian Goddess Isis. Unfortunately, all that we really know of Dievs comes from early Christian texts, which are not exactly the most objective sources on pagan belief systems. Laima, goddess of Fate and Luck (Laxmi in Hinduism ). As well as modern names, parents can choose a name or names for their child from a long list of traditional names; these include: Christian names, i.e. Like other Indo-Europeans, ancient Lithuanians maintained a polytheistic mythology and religious structure. Concordia - "Harmony" The morning star and deity of dawn. Two well-known attempts at reconstruction have been attempted more recently by Marija Gimbutas and Algirdas Julien Greimas. 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